"Be changed and the world around you begins to change." -Gerald Epstein-

Has the thought crossed your mind that, wouldn't it be great if this thing or that person or that situation would just change, our world or being would be better? Of course we have all thought these thoughts – the great thing is, we can orchestrate this/these changes by changing ourselves and/or our thoughts. When we do, that will assist change all around us and eventually reach out into the world. So in essence we can change the world, yes, we are this powerful.

When we think negatively, that is what we manifest into our lives, and this includes worry, as worry is negativity. Our daily project is to be a positive thinker and talker – notice how you talk and think. Practice constructing your talking (words) and thinking in a positive manner.

This does take practice and constant monitoring our thoughts and words, however, once we start this process, our days and weeks turn into new astounding times of bliss and joy, filled with untold possibilities. It also becomes automatic and you won't have to think about it as much, you will just project a positive manner automatically.

Develop a mantra that works for you, I will get you started with one until you can find one of your own – "Every thought and word I think and speak is about love and truth for everyone, everywhere – so be it." Say this as many times thru out the day as needed to remind yourself to think and speak positively. Soon it will make a shift and it will be automatic.

This will ripple out into the world and changes in your life will automatically happen and those changes will once again ripple out into the world – and so on – and so be it.

Enjoy your new found bliss and joy!

Darlene Siddons

Author's Bio: 

Darlene has researched, practiced and implemented many spiritual and personal growth paths: Feng Shui for personal tranquility; Sacred Movements for a disciplined life; Gentle Touch Energy Healer; Whole and organic food advocate-Food as Medicine; Weaver and beader of amulet basket necklaces. She resides in California in her own personal wellness center and sanctuary. She brings her wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self to you in her writings. Darlene's mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection, which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. She accomplishes this thru her Wellness Coach Program, which is offer to individuals and corporations. Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique