There is not an Organization in the world that does not need,or could not benefit from, more money. Everything you do requires money and there never seems to be enough. You have an ongoing parade of fundraisers or you are constantly asking for money from your supporters. I should know - I've done both. After years of trying to generate money I decided there had to be an easier way, took note of the explosion of Online Shopping, and knew I had found the answer!

Together We Can Change The World, Inc., was created with one goal - to generate millions for the organizations making a difference in our world. MY POWER MALL, launched in March of 2007, is a FREE tool you can use to generate massive, on-going funding! Our vision was to create a company that would allow your supporters to pour revenue into your organization without their giving any additional money. We decided to make this our gift to the world, investing close to a half million dollars in money and time to make it a reality - then giving it away for FREE.

We are a company...


You may be familiar with fundraising malls. But we are different.

One of our primary goals is to be different from every other Mall out there. While there are some great Malls, our commitment is to excellence in every area. Our goal is to raise MILLIONS for organizations. We can only achieve that by doing everything a "little bit better".

We have more stores than any other Mall - over 1000!
Our goal is, if it can be bought, it can be bought on MY POWER MALL. We are committed to providing a vast variety of stores and products - with each merchant meeting a strict set of criteria to ensure shopping satisfaction.
There are hundreds of name brand stores, as well as hundreds of lesser known stores that pay higher commissions.
We offer your Supporters the same FREE Mall, enabling them to create their own income - while also creating income for your Organization! Every time they make a purchase you make money!
While your organization is making money - the people on your staff can also be generating income that will allow them to continue working to make a difference in the world.
Exciting Daily & Weekly e-mails promote purchasing. It's not enough to build a great Mall. It's equally important to give you and your supporters a reason to visit us. That's where our exciting weekly newsletters, customized store specials e-mails and all our FREE gifts come in.
This is not MLM of Affiliate Marketing - it is a completely unique marketing system that will ALWAYS be FREE!
You will never have to sell anything, nor carry any inventory.
There are no crazy qualifying games to receive your income.
All Tools are completely FREE. We give you everything you need to succeed!
A back office Administration area allows you to keep track of everything going on in your business.
We teach you how to deal with UnRelated Business Income Taxes. It's really very simple.
MY POWER MALL'S mission is to change the way fundraising is done.

Our goal is that no one will buy anything
or use a service without benefiting
a cause they believe in!

We are already helping thousands of organizations. Please return to the Home Page of the website and watch the entire Business Mall Presentation and let me show you how we can help you as well!

Together We Can Change The World, Inc.

Rex Andrews

Dewey, Arizona USA

Just for you:

Author's Bio: 

Rex Andrews,, Retired, lives with his Artist wife in Dewey, Arizona. Has published several articles on Training for MLM Together We Can Change the World Day mobilizes people all over the country to make a difference in their communities.