Oh, the wonderful power of intention was wildly at work in my world last night.
My nutrition/health coach (Gina Van Luven) wants me to have more greens, and suggested kale as a really healthy choice.
In my home growing up, we lived on mainly frozen dinners and iceberg lettuce, so kale has not very frequently graced my lips and I’ve certainly never attempted to prepare it.
Being the good business owner and gal who knows how to make things happen…I reached out! I sent an email to a health nut friend and got the basic recipe, so I was on my way.
In fact, I even put a status feed on Facebook telling that I was cooking kale for the first time.
I had the kale in the pan steaming away, when I had the thought, “shoot...I forgot to ask how long to cook and how to know when it’s done.” (Can you tell my level of culinary ability here? ?)
In that moment I remembered that my VA and Marketing teams use Twitter to ask a question whenever they get stuck on something, so the idea floated though my mind that perhaps using the power of Social Networking could solve my kale challenge!
Here’s the magic…no sooner did I think that thought, than Anne popped in offering cooking advice! She gave me three or four different ways to cook kale and not only did I get a healthy meal, I now have made a nice FB connection.
But this story isn’t about cooking greens! It’s about the power of thought and intention. The power we all have, but may not be using!
I woke up this morning and thinking, “Can it be this simple? And if I can pull in a fabulous chef to help me with dinner, could I pull in the perfect relationship, wealth, health, and other more wonderful feelings and experiences?”
The answer is YES! The process that got Anne to my inbox within two minutes is the same one that will supply everything else.
I want you to experiment in your life.
Here is the process –
1. Know what you want. Go for clarity and specificity.
2. Believe that there is all that you need already out there. As in, all your prospective clients are already there, just waiting for you to open the space to ‘house’ them in your business.
3. ASK!
4. Give thanks – in advance. Even if you don’t see it right away, being in the energy of gratitude will magnetize to you your desires.
5. Receive. I got my needs met within minutes because I EXPECTED to find the answer. And I put myself out there to receive. Notice in your life where you are shutting off the flow of good coming your way. Say yes to people giving you compliments, offering to buy you dinner, or providing you with discounts. Stand outside and take in as much air as you can with nice deep breaths and notice that there is so much more! Look for beauty and know that it’s all yours!
Therese Skelly is an expert in small business marketing, mindset and development emphasizing business growth from “The Inside Out”. Discover how she can catapult YOUR success by empowering you; visit acceleratingyoursuccess.com and be sure to claim your free audio copy, Master Your Mindset to Be the Master of Your Business. (c) 2009 Therese Skelly.
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