Robert Kiyosaki, creator of the Cashflow Game and the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, said that his book is his best business card. Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series, stated that the best lead generator is a book. These two examples demonstrate a profound principle.

The most successful authors do much more than sell books. The money earned in royalties is incidental income as compared with what they generate from income streams such as speaker fees, workshops, home study programs, coaching programs, consulting fees, and other high end products and services.

Scott Armstrong is an example of this principle in action. Armstrong is a successful life coach with a full practice and maintains his life-long passion for running. Scott’s book launched him out of his sales job of 20 years in order to build his passion of coaching. His book demonstrates how goal setting for marathon running and for business--and for any aspect of life--are related. His book is Boston Marathon or Bust: A Proven Step-By-Step Program That Helps You Achieve Your Life, Sports, and Business Goals in Record Time.

Armstrong invested in a proven system that teaches would-be authors how to write a money-making book in 12 hours of actual writing time and use it as a lead generator for a thriving business.

The Entrepreneurial Authoring Program and individual business mentoring teach clients how to create a book that is an entrepreneurially sound lead generator for a well-structured business. A book that is entrepreneurially sound naturally leads readers to interact with the author and continue to do business again and again. The book is specifically designed as an invitation to take part in the author’s other services.

Author's Bio: 

What If You Could Author A Best Seller in Less Than 12 Hours of Actual Writing and Gain Instant Access To A New York Publisher Without An Agent and Formal Book Proposal? How? By Following This Simple, Proven System for Authoring Success.