Colloidal Silver "Blue Man" Returns to the Today Show

The so-called colloidal silver "blue man," Paul Karason, was back on the Today show this week. He had previously appeared on the show and had promised to allow blood tests to be administered to himself in order to ascertain if his excessive colloidal silver consumption had caused any health or medical problems other than the argyric skin staining.

While it is still available, you can view the video replay of the "blue man's" return to the Today show at

According to Today show host Matt Lauer, Mr. Karason's blood tests were all within normal limits, meaning so far no damage to his organs have been found. Blood cell counts were all normal, and heart, lung, kidney and liver function were all perfectly normal, to boot.

This turns out to be a far cry from the "silver toxicity" and "silver poisoning" some of the medical talking heads on various television shows have recently assured their viewers Mr. Karason would have. Based upon these blood tests, he actually seems to be as healthy as a horse.

It is also a testament to the general safety and lack of toxicity in silver-based products such as colloidal silver. Even when overdosing for years on end, as Mr. Karason obviously did, there has still been no apparent damage to his blood cells, and no disruption whatsoever of heart, liver or kidney function.

His blood tests were performed by Dr. Seth Uresky at St. Luke's Hospital in New York. According to the doctor, "Based upon these results, I would say that Mr. Karason is in good physical and medical condition. However, final judgement should be reserved until blood silver level results are available."

Host Matt Lauer stated that the Today show would have Mr. Karason back on when the results from his blood silver level tests were available. And he asked Mr. Karason whether or not he was worried about the remaining test results. The "blue man" replied that he was not in the least bit worried because all previous tests for silver levels in his blood have turned out to be normal as well.

For a FREE report on safe, daily common-sense colloidal silver dosage based upon your body weight, go to

Author's Bio: 

Steve Barwick is a long-time natural health journalist with hundreds of published articles to his credit over the past 30 years.

He is the resident colloidal silver advocate at

He has also authored three books including the soon-to-be-released Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, and has co-authored or edited several others. Steve is also the featured guest star of the newly released 60-minute Colloidal Silver Secrets video, available in both DVD and VHS formats at

Steve blogs on the topic of colloidal silver at his Colloidal Silver Secrets blog,