With all of the hoopla over Oprah Winfrey's "New Earth" webclass with "Power of Now" author Eckhart Tolle, it is no surprise that many in the Christian community are quick to paint Mr. Tolle's teachings as unChristian if not downright evil.

Is this accurate?

Is it fair to paint Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" as being in opposition to Christ's teachings?

This is no idle question for those that have found these principles to be useful in day to day life that also hold Christ to be their Lord and Savior. And while there are tenets to Mr. Tolle's body of work that may not jibe with an individuals own set of core religious beliefs, why would it be necessary for all of it to do so?

Eckhart Tolle seems to be making no attempt to proselytize, or gain a following in opposition to Christianity or any other religious group. So why not use whatever part or parts of his curriculum that do fit your own personal belief system?

The core of Eckhart Tolle's "agenda" is that individuals are too caught up is thoughts and emotions centering on self, and that this needs to be changed in order to disconnect from the "chatter" that results. Obviously most people will not find this aspect to be in any way contradictory to scripture. Jesus clearly taught that it was necessary to deny one's self many times, as well as counseling against selfish or materialistic aims.

Where many people will find a conflict however, is Mr. Tolle's conclusions as to what will take place as more and more people become awakened, or enlightened by the type of personal development that he espouses.

In the end, each and every Christian will make up their own mind and needs to honor their own Bible trained conscience in deciding how much, if any of Eckhart Tolle's work to apply in their lives. This is true of pretty much anything in the arena of Personal Growth or Development, from yoga to marriage counseling.

The important thing is to make up your own mind. Do not take my, or anybody else's word for what is or is not in conflict with your own personal religious beliefs. Use whatever Personal Development tools that fit and work with what makes sense to you.

What you may find acceptable others may not, and that is how it should be. Everyone's spiritual journey is unique, and colorred by their own experiences and situation. The important thing is to enter into any Personal Development effort with your eyes, and mind wide open. Belief systems must be accommodated or in some cases adjusted as we find appropriate.

This article has been kept purposely very general and abstract in order not to color your own thoughts and opinions as you consider what, if anything to adopt or reject from Mr. Tolle and "The Power of Now". Just do not allow anyone else to decide for you what is or is not in conflict with your Christian beliefs.

Author's Bio: 

Floyd Bogart continues on his own journey seeking enlightenment, spiritual growth and general Hozro (look it up, lol)