It’s true!

If you change how you relate to money, you will start to experience better prospects and a healthier outlook that will enable you to increase your wealth.

Take on board the following wealth generating perspectives and you’ll start seeing a positive change in your fortune:

1. Focus on abundance, not lack! If you moan about what you haven’t got, you’re placing all your energy and focus into creating nothing. The negative thoughts simply highlight your deficiencies and do nothing to start creating financial abundance. When you hear yourself complaining about not having enough money, stop yourself! Turn the negative statement into a positive one and focus your attention to abundance. It may prove difficult at first, especially if you’re always grousing, but stay resolute and focus on plenty and your fortunes will start turning round.

2. Money is energy. Like the tides, it comes in and goes out and comes in again. It exists to represent the value of things in the world – and that includes the value you place on yourself, such as your experience, skills, knowledge and abilities. If money hasn’t been flowing as you want it to, look to how you value yourself. Do you have faith in what you can offer or provide? Do you have confidence in your abilities? Believe that you are worthy of reward. Believe that you deserve the wage, job or prospects that you desire. Raise your self-esteem, increase your value and your wealth will also increase.

3. Contrary to what you may have been told or believe, money isn’t evil; it’s what we do with it that determines whether it is used with good or bad intentions. Being told that money, and the pursuit of money, is bad is full of guilt and envy riddled overtones, often spread by those who are jealous or lacking. With money, you can do great deeds in the world. You can support wonderful causes and spread your wealth to where it is needed. Be proud of your association with money by giving something back to society and realising that it gives you the opportunity to bring about positive change.

4. Don’t be precious about your money. Trying to hold on to your money or agonising over it and begrudging spending it reveals that you are too attached. This over-attachment can bring about fear resulting in lack or financial misfortunes. Don’t hoard your money or be tight-fisted. Let your money flow. Pay your way through life without resentment. Be more generous about your money and consider the intrinsic value of what you’re gaining in return.

5. Give a percentage of what you earn to a good cause. Spread your wealth and don’t begrudge doing so. By sharing what you have, and giving away some of your money altruistically, without worrying about lack or hoping to gain something in return, you are demonstrating a healthy relationship with money while also trusting in yourself and the universe to create abundance all round.

6. Be positive about money. You may have grown up hearing many negative although perhaps well-meaning statements about money from your parents, friends or other family members. What is said often sticks in your mind and contributes in some way to your outlook on life. If you grew up believing that money is evil, that you need to guard your money, or that it’s hard to come by, this generates negative connotations about money that you are likely to carry through to adulthood. Only by re-programming those negative associations can you release the hold that money has over you. Once you are detached from money, it is actually free to start flowing to you so enhancing your prospects.

7. Believe that you will always have enough of what you need. Focus on abundance at all times, but in a detached rather than grasping way. Trust that the money will flow. Don’t let money, or the pursuit of it, rule your life because it isn’t necessary and by doing so, you’ll miss out on all the other riches that life has to offer.

8. Finally, be grateful for what you have and show or express your gratitude. By living graciously, and not taking anything for granted, you will be more appreciative of the abundance that comes your way.

In summary, be positive about money.

Focus on abundance and trust that you will always have enough. Believe that you are worthy of a great income and wealth but make sure you remain grateful and altruistic with your fortune. By changing your perspective and adopting a good relationship with money, your financial outlook will start to look healthier.

So, what are you waiting for?

Enjoy a prosperous life!

Author's Bio: 

Karl Moore is a best-selling author and the main interviewer behind Self Dev Radio at Every day, Karl posts inspirational self-growth messages to his blog online at Learn more about Karl online at Karl or learn about Karl's radio work at