The causes of high blood pressure are still unknown to many medical researchers, although risk factors have been discovered. Only a small percent of hypertension cases have a clear cause. High blood pressure that is diagnosed with a clear cause of how the patient obtained the illness is typically because of a genetic factor the person was born with.

Kidney defects, an aorta deformity, and narrowing of arteries are problems which people are born with and cause high blood pressure, and can be repaired before high blood pressure because a problem in one’s life.

High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer”, as many people do not know they have a blood pressure problem until it is already affecting his or her health. Human bodies can handle a great deal of damage before the effects of the damage are noticed by the person.

The main organs affected by high blood pressure are the heart, brain, and kidneys; while these organs are built to handle a great deal, extended periods of ongoing damage will lead to a stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure.

Since there is no clear cut causes of high blood pressure, people and doctors use risk factors to detect possible predictions of a person developing or at risk for high blood pressure. Routine doctor visits for check ups are vital in catching potential problems with high blood pressure, especially if one is at risk for it.

The risk factors of a possible hypertension diagnoses are:

- Family History

- Obesity

- Age

- Stressful Lifestyle

People with risk factors for high blood pressure should take extra precautions to ensure a healthy lifestyle. A family history of high blood pressure, especially in parents and grandparents, should be a warning sign that they too may be at potential for also developing hypertension.

Bad eating habits and a lack of exercise in one’s life can be potentially dangerous if one is at risk, as well as growing older and leading a stressful lifestyle. Most importantly, since there are no causes of high blood pressure, it is important to pay attention to the care one provides for themselves, and see a doctor regularly.

Author's Bio: 

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower your blood pressure naturally and visit his site at