There is a big debate in the field of self-discovery as to whether you can be anything you want to be or whether you have some limitations that cannot be overcome, I dislike the books that say that you cant be anything you want that you have various limitations, that you may not be the brightest spark in the world so cant be a math genius, that you aren't fit enough because your overweight to be a racing car driver.
This is all nonsense, we as coaches and hypnotherapists at constantly change people's beliefs about what they cant do and suddenly they make massive changes, there's one limitation per say on these changes and that's the individual purely came into therapy/coaching to quit smoking so that's pretty much all they get. They go back to their same friends with the same limiting beliefs, and same limited circumstances.

I know for a fact, with 100 percent certainty that you can achieve anything you want to achieve.
During this book which I expect you to enter into with enthusiasm I will teach you the task set of skills required to achieve anything you want in your life.
There's infinite ways for you to achieve your goal, and I tell you honestly that NO ONE CAN TELL YOU WHICH IS THE RIGHT ROUTE TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL!
All you need to know is that 80% of the time you select a route to achieve your goal the route will fail.
And that's absolutely wonderful, life is a journey a road, you can change road at any moment you decide to, it only takes a second, but if you spend life deciding which road to take you will never go anywhere.
So many people go through their lives believing that they weren't designed to be 'x', that they don't have the right genes, that they didn't have the right parents, you need to give up these limitations if you want to be successful.

There's this belief that I have that I will later explain that anything you imagine and you feel a strong emotion towards - you have to do it, whether it's what is usually dubbed as a negative emotion or a positive one - This means that if you imagine yourself going out with a boyfriend like Brad Pitt, or actually imagine going out with Brad Pitt, or Keira Knightly.
Then there's energy tied up into that imagined reality that will never be released until you follow out that action or something similar, because whatever you imagine is true.
Some of you may be thinking at this point. But how can I go out with Keira Knightly - "I'm just too old", "I'm just too young" "I'm too fat" "I'm too stupid" "I don't make enough money" well you've kind of just answered your own question about how to go out with Keira Knightly, you realize there's various important things to achieve in order to get her, so why not do it? Why be anything other than your best self?
You may think 'sure I could change the physical things about me by going gym, by spending money on nice hair cuts etc but its impossible to change my psychological characteristics there genetic aren't they?' psychological traits could be judged as "I'm not funny enough" or "I'm not charismatic enough" its very easy to become funny enough or charismatic enough just go to stage school, or go to a comedy club's 'open mic night' you might think "oh but its impossible for me to be a comedian or an actor" its not impossible it just takes small steps, commitment and practice.
During this article we are going to go through the ways in order to make goals achievable, obviously in reality I don't expect you to aim to go out with Brad Pitt or any other celebrity unless that is what you really want to achieve, I'm just making the point that if want to do something enough you would do it, for example: suppose right now someone held a gun to the person you love most in the world and said 'achieve your goal or I'll kill 'him/her'" would you do it or would you watch your love one die?
However its all well and good getting excited by the fact that you CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING, but you do need to be honest about the skills that you have CURRENTLY,
When I take steps in life I use only three rules and although they have been covered in this book they haven’t been shortly mentioned in one brief paragraph, so as we draw close to the end of the book I would like to talk through these three rules to personal success.

Denial of present (THE NOW) is all suffering if your constantly in the future, and constantly in the past not only will you be confused and will be moving unconsciously in all kinds of directions towards opposing goals but you will also be unhappy and not be able to give full appreciation to the beauty in life, the beauty in your friends and the beauty in your love ones, Enjoy the present and you will lead a very happy and focused life.

always constantly test your boundaries, go further than your boundaries, go further than other peoples boundaries, do things that people don’t usually think about, do the things that you were scared of. But do all these things in a variable flexible way, realize that there are progressive steps that you can take, just do a little bit more than before, don’t aim to take giant leaps, one day after walking a path of tiny steps you will realize that you’ve took a giant leap.

If you set yourself a BIG EXCITING POWERFUL IMAGINED GOAL THAT HAS CLEARLY DEFINED IMAGES WITH YOU IN THE PICTURE, and you break the goal down into manageable stages that lead upto it in a realistic time frame, and your flexible about finding new paths to the goal if you find a path is blocked and your prepared to increase the timeframe if you don’t meet it for an individual step, and your prepared to change the step if the step isn’t working… THEN YOU WILL SUCCEED.


Vincent Lynch

Author's Bio: 

Vincent Lynch - NLP pratitioner, Personal development coach, Motivational workshop leader, hypnotherapist, counsellor and psychotherapist.