There are several reasons why you, as a breastfeeding Mom, will want to avoid or limit artificial nipples. Avoid Triple Nipple Syndrome if you want to nurse your baby for that important first year (or longer!).

Using artificial nipples, meaning supplemental bottles and pacifiers, reduces the time your baby spends at the breast. Time spent nursing at the breast tells your body how much milk to make, meaning that using artificial nipples can reduce supply.

Artifical nipples may lead to nipple confusion, which means a difficulty transitioning from bottles to the breast and back. Some babies get nipple confusion, and some don't. Some babies will flat out reject the breast after having one bottle. Some babies can have a supplemental bottle and go back to Mom, and some will refuse the bottle altogether.

However, studies show that using artificial nipples increases the likelihood that baby will wean before one year. So, wait until breastfeeding is well established and your supply is adequate for baby's needs before introducing artificial nipples, and even then, limit their use.

Using a supplemental bottle of formula when you think your milk supply is low can be a Catch 22 because giving baby a bottle can further lessen the milk supply. If you want to increase your milk supply, the best way to do so is to increase the number of times you offer your breast to the baby, or increase the time spent at the breast. When baby is going through a growth spurt you may want to reduce your activities as much as possible for a day or two and spend more time in skin to skin contact with baby. Your body will send more milk because of the increased demand.

As a side note, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued a statement saying that pacifiers can reduce SIDS risk. Interestingly, breastfeeding also reduces the risk of SIDS. Some breastfeeding experts have noted that it is the sucking, not the pacifier itself, that keeps baby stimulated at night which helps him "remember" to breathe.

While it's not for every family, the practice of Co Sleeping or Sharing Sleep, helps Mom and Dad get more sleep, helps Mom have a hearty milk supply and makes night feedings easier.

Families all over the world (in fact, most of the world's population) share sleep with babies quite safely, and happily too and have been doing so since the beginning of time!

Carrie Lauth has been a breastfeeding counselor for 5 years. For more advice, visit and listen to

Author's Bio: 

Carrie Lauth is a Mom of 4, breastfeeding educator and the owner of, a free newsletter for Moms who want to breastfeed their babies.