Do you have some great ideas to grow your business, but when it comes time to taking action, you suddenly come up with all the reasons and excuses not to do it? Do you find yourself lit up with a new idea that you can’t wait to implement? But, then your fears come up and you decide you’re not quite ready yet to go forward.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, you’re not alone. I’ve experienced the same thing. Most recently at Ali Brown’s workshop I had some big “aha” moments. I wrote down many new ideas, but when I got back to my office, I began to find excuses to put off taking the plunge and breaking out of my comfort zone. I had thoughts like “what if it doesn’t work, this is too expensive, I don’t have the time.” These are familiar thoughts I’ve had before that have kept me stuck.
What I notice about Ali and other successful entrepreneurs is when they have an idea, they don’t sit on it for months or even years, they get into action and quickly implement it. They have no idea if it’s going to be a success or failure but have the courage to try it out anyway. They have their share of failures, yet they don’t let that stop them.
The one thing most successful entrepreneurs have in common is that when they come up with a good idea, they don’t analyze it to death or wait until it’s perfect, they just do it!
I walked away from the workshop with several great ideas, but a couple of the most valuable “a-ha” moments I had was to “stop waiting until it’s perfect, just do it now!” I also know if I’m left to my own thoughts, I’ll come up with lots of reasons not to do things. So I set up a support structure and will be joining a Mastermind Group that will hold me accountable to doing what I said I would do.
Here’s what I learned about breaking out of my comfort zone:
- When you create something bigger in your business, it’s not unusual to think of all the reasons it won’t work.
- When those reasons come up not to do it, and those reasons will come up, do it anyway.
- Successful entrepreneurs quickly implement ideas.
- Create an accountability support structure to keep you in action.
- Don't wait for it to be perfect…just do it now!
If you’re ready to break out of your comfort zone and take your business to the next level, here’s 8 easy steps to help you build your best year ever.
- Write down one BIG idea you know you should be working on now. You know it’s the one if you get excited and nervous at the same time.
- By fulfilling that idea, write down what will it give you in your life? As you write the details, be as specific and vivid as you can because the more you can see yourself doing it, the more real it becomes for you.
- Write all the thoughts you’re having that could keep you from implementing your idea. Then take that piece of paper, rip it into tiny pieces and throw it away! You’re now free to pursue that BIG idea!
- Write down the due date you will implement your idea.
- Write down the action steps that will help you implement your idea.
- Find a colleague or a friend to be your buddy and hold you accountable to implementing your idea?
- Work with a coach, or find a group of like-minded entrepreneurs or colleagues and form your own mastermind group. Together you can guide, support and hold each other accountable to implementing the idea.
- Now, get your butt into gear and take action, or it's just another good idea!
(c) Rochelle Togo-Figa.
Rochelle Togo-Figa, The Sales Breakthrough Expert, is the creator of “The Sales Breakthrough System™”, a proven step-by-step process that will help you close more sales, sign on more clients and make more money with ease and velocity. To learn more about Rochelle’s services and to receive a FREE copy of her special report, “43 Ways to Close More Sales”, visit
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