“Branding” is a business term I heard a lot when I first started working in the business research field. I had to learn what it means and clarify the concept in my own mind. It is actually a simple concept made to sound mysterious and complicated.

When a company “brands” a product, it creates an image of that product that is so strong the consumer will automatically want to buy that particular product over similar products sold by other companies. The goal is to make that image so strong that the consumer will feel their lives will be improved enough by using that particular product that they will pay more for it than other similar products.

For instance, I prefer Bounty paper towels. The “quicker picker upper” makes my life better. I pay more for it because one sheet will absorb more spilled liquid than several sheets of a “lesser brand”. It will wring out and absorb more. I can use it to clean and it won’t fall apart. I pay more for it because I feel I ultimately save money.

The company did an excellent job of creating a superior “brand” or image of this product.

Promoting the “brand” or image is accomplished through advertising and reputation. The “quicker picker upper” commercials on television inspired me to try the product. I liked it so I continued to buy the same brand. When discussing products with my friends I recommended this brand. My personal recommendation inspired others to try the product.

Because the quality of the product remains consistent, they liked the product and recommended it to others. Everybody sees the commercials on television so the recommendations were reinforced by the image already created in their minds and they try the product and so on, and so on…

To brand your product, create a strong image of how that product will improve people’s lives so that some people will try your product. Maintain consistent quality in your product and your original clients will keep coming back and recommend you to their friends.

At LOProducts, LLC, “Our TECHNOLOGY gets to the HEART of your RESEARCH”! We consistently locate what our clients need to know and deliver it in a well-organized format with resources attached.

Author's Bio: 

Curiosity makes Patricia Kenworthy a natural researcher. With a thirst to know everything about everything, each new research project is an opportunity to tackle a new subject and dig out every interesting fact possible. As a professional Reflexologist for more than twenty years, she researched health and healing subjects for her clients, giving them every bit of assistance she could find to help them on their individual paths to wellness. As a partner in LOProducts, LLC, she turns her talents to finding critical business information.