This book review was submitted by Charlene Proctor, the Official Guide to Positive Thinking. Positive Thinking is a common motivational method used to boost one’s attitude and promote self growth.

Charlene Proctor has identified “Everyday Positive Thinking” by Louise Hay as a valuable resource for people interested in positive thinking and it is available through and through Barnes and Noble.

Book Description
Each day, randomly open this book to a couple of positive thoughts, and you’ll find that your outlook becomes a whole lot brighter! This is a wonderful compilation of quotes and affirmations from some esteemed Hay House authors.

In addition to Louise L. Hay, the authors whose positive words are included in this book are: Abraham-Hicks (Jerry and Esther Hicks), Sylvia Browne, Chérie Carter-Scott, Deepak Chopra, Stephen R. Covey, Wayne W. Dyer, John Gray, Keith D. Harrell, Kryon (Lee Carroll), Daniel Levin, Max Lucado, Don Miguel Ruiz, Julie Morgenstern, Caroline Myss, Leon Nacson, Christiane Northrup, Peter Occhiogrosso, Suze Orman, Cheryl Richardson, Anne Wilson Schaef, Tavis Smiley, Iyanla Vanzant, Doreen Virtue, Brian L. Weiss, Bruce Wilkinson, and Marianne Williamson.

About the Author
Louise L. Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher and the bestselling author of numerous books, including You Can Heal Your Life trade, ISBN: 0-937611-01-8, which has sold 30 million copies worldwide; You Can Heal Your Life Gift edition, ISBN: 1-56170-628-0; and Empowering Women, ISBN: 1-56170-609-4. Her works have been translated into 25 different languages in 33 countries throughout the world. Since beginning her career as a Science of Mind minister in 1981, Louise has assisted millions of people in discovering and using the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Louise is the founder and chairman of Hay House, Inc., a publishing company that disseminates books, audios, and videos that contribute to the healing of the planet. Louise lives in San Diego, California, where she spends her time loving life, gardening, and writing.

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