This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Happiness. One can attain a life of true happiness by the enrichment of one's mind, character, and attitude through one's own efforts and positive thinking. Warren Wojnowski is the Official Guide to Happiness.

Wake Up Live the Life You Love: The Power of Team, by co-author Warren Wojnowski, is a valuable resource for people interested in Happiness, and it is available through

Book Description
This collection of essays will show the importance of team, networking and cooperation. How important is team?. Can a dynamic leader actually share the creative direction of a business? What kinds of people belong on your team? How can you "grow" a team when your needs change? How can you recognize the people who are on your "team," even when they are not employees or private contractors?Is it important to help team members understand their roles on the team? If you're a leader, you've got a team. Now is the time to recognize it, develop it, and let it take you where you belong.

"Are you one of the many who keeps attempting to climb the steep, frustrating, lonely path to success without ever reaching the pinnacle?"

I used to be one too ... I insisted on working alone only to discover I just didn't have what it takes to reach the top. I felt utterly alone.

Over the years, I've since come across many people who have helped me to become far larger than myself by demonstrating the extraordinary leverage and power of being part of a team.

Now here's your opportunity to leverage the learning of so many others so that you no longer have to climb alone. It's simpler than you believe possible and once you're done reading, you'll realize the Summit can be yours.

"If you'd rather just continue with your day-to-day struggle then hit the "Back" Button now, but if you're ready to make a POWERFUL change, then Buy this Book!"

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Happiness. The Official Guide to Happiness is Warren Wojnowski. Warren Wojnowski is a motivational coach and entrepreneur. After spending 23 years in the financial services industry, during which he served as an executive with two of North America's largest financial institutions, he walked away from the corporate world in order to pursue his dreams. I've been fascinated with personal development and quite naturally have fallen into the world of coaching and self growth. He offers individual business and life coaching as an Intrinsic Coach®.

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Warren Wojnowski, The Official Guide to Happiness