This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Ayurveda. Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, is ancient system of health care that is native to the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda promotes healthy living and therapeutic measures that relate to physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony. Helen Thomas is the Official Guide to Ayurveda.

Essential Ayurveda: What It Is and What It Can Do for You , by Shubhra Kirshan, is a valuable resource for people interested in Ayurveda, and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Book Description

Outlining the basic elements of the ancient system of Ayurveda, Shubhra Krishan teaches readers how to recognize their energy and body type, and to use Ayurvedic principles to create a balanced diet and lifestyle for their optimum health. She offers tips and suggestions for finding the best products or for creating your own with her recipes for food, beauty care, and other healthcare items. Illustrations are included.

Outlining the basic elements of the ancient system of Ayurveda, Shubhra Krishan teaches readers how to recognize their energy and body type, and to use Ayurvedic principles to create a balanced diet and lifestyle for their optimum health. She offers tips and suggestions for finding the best products or for creating your own with her recipes for food, beauty care, and other healthcare items. Illustrations are included.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Ayurveda. The Official Guide to Ayurveda is Helen Thomas. Dr. Helen Thomas is an enthusiastic high energy person who loves sharing her passion in alternative medicine. Dr. Helen interned in Pune, India with Dr. Narendra Pendse in an Ayurveda clinic for five years. Helen also served as an Intern in a hospital for Lepers in India and after that experience she declared: "I was the one that was healed".

Additional Resources covering Ayurveda can be found at:

Website Directory for Ayurveda
Articles on Ayurveda
Products for Ayurveda
Discussion Board
Helen Thomas, the Official Guide To Ayurveda