This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Business Start-Up. A Business Start-up is a relatively new company, project or business venture with a limited operating history. Dr. Mary Waters is the Official Guide to Business Start-Up.

Easy Business for Women with Little or No Money , by Dr. Mary Waters is a valuable resource for people interested in Business Start-Up and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Many people are beginning to start and operate their own business as large companies are downsizing and we face job uncertainties. During an informal survey, some of the reasons given as to why people start a business are to increase their income, get more control over their time, tax advantages, job security, service to the community, enjoyment of working with people, self-responsibility, self-reliance, success, and the flexibility to make changes.

Getting started into a business for some people could mean just writing down on a piece of paper what needs to be done to get them from point A to point B. Others might want to know what kind of research needs to be performed to find the answer to some of these questions. To receive clarification on what your needs are, you might want to consider reading books, talking to people, or just analyzing the data already available to you.

The most important step of starting a business is to ‘just do it’. Getting started could mean gathering information, reading, analyzing, and putting it to use. Most importantly, the potential business owner should start now. If you decide to start now, there are steps you should take to get yourself organized, such as setting aside time to do daily readings. These readings will include articles, brochures, mail, and other information pertaining to the business. Remember, information is knowledge, and the more knowledge you have about the subject, the wiser it makes you. Being informed will make things a little bit easier for you during the decision-making process.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Business Start-Up. The Official Guide to Business Start-Up is Dr. Mary Waters. Dr. Mary E. Waters is an author, speaker, business consultant. She is the author of “Easy Business for Women with Little or No Money.” She strives on helping people to start their own business with little or no money. For many years, she has been helping people make their dreams of becoming a successful business owner come true! Easy Business for Women with Little or No Money, Author: Dr. M. E. Waters, Release Date: Feb 20, 2006, ISBN: 0759605963, ISBN: 9780759605961, ISBN: 9780759605978, Mail to:,

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Dr. Mary E. Waters, the Official Guide To Business Start-Up