In 30+ pages, Vladimir Ghetau author of “Blogging on Steroids” says he put this product together after studying and researching the subject of blogging directly. The end result should be more money from your blog in the shortest time.

Of the many blogging platforms out there, and the one Vladamir endorses and recommends is Wordpress.

Extremely flexible with many Plugins available, it and can be turned into a site in seconds.
A quick example of one of these plugins:

Subscribe2 allows you to subscribe people to your blog. Your will learn how to brand your Blog - again with easy to follow steps. Next Vladamire will walk you through some excellent advice about creating profitable blogs. An important step if you want to convert your blog to sales dollars.

Next is an easy to follow method of getting your blogs found by readers. You’ll be guided to “Social Bookmarking” sites to give you lots of traffic.

Thirdly you’ll be shown how to organise the content inside your blog. Part of branding your blog, it helps you to keep your visitors on your site giving you more exposure.

Another plugin is called “Link A Dink”. It incorporates links inside your posts. This can direct people to ClickBank specific products. The plugin will replace exactly the keywords you want to use for affiliate marketing.

The last plugin you need it is called “Ultimate Tag Warrior” which gets you tags for each and every one of your blog posts.

What are tags? They are more like keywords which helps blog search engines to organise their search results.

Blogs are a marketer’s favourite tool because they can achieve traffic fairly easy. Search engines will be able to index your blog and your ranking can go a lot higher.

Marketing has a lot of influence on the internet. That’s why you need to be its friend. You need to know where you’re at in order to decide where you want to go to. The best way to find this out is to actually track the traffic (statistics about your blog visitors). Then you will know what kind of people visit your blog and how many of them are there.

You then know how many visitors you get in a specific day, month or year. This helps when to decide which topic attracts more visitors, so you can repeat the process. If 300 people came on your blog last month, after searching for “quit smoking program”, what you need to do next, is to write even more about this.

Using the “Subscribe” email subscription Plugin then allows you to email the visitors of your blog each time you have something to say. “Email marketing” is the easiest way to drive targeted traffic to your website in no time and it is free! Whenever you got something good for your readers, send an email to your leads list, and tell them about it.

Next you need is to create a buzz, and Vladamire will tell you exactly how to do that.

Purchasing and following the instructions, you’ll be successfully blogging in no time.

I strongly recommend “Blogging on Steroids“.

Author's Bio: 

John is the autor of "The Arithmetic of Conversation" and is an experienced, semi retired Chief Executive Officer.

He has had several years of developing large business, particularly in the cemetery and funeral industry in three states in Australia.