The things that you do, eat or think about are usually responsible for preventing you to fall asleep or stay asleep. You may not realize that bringing the work home or drinking coffee in the afternoon may be the reason why you feel you are being deprived of your precious snooze time. So the next ...The things that you do, eat or think about are usually responsible for preventing you to fall asleep or stay asleep. You may not realize that bringing the work home or drinking coffee in the afternoon may be the reason why you feel you are being deprived of your precious snooze time. So the next time you head to a pharmacy to buy a pill for your sleeping woes, you may want to check first whether the things that you do, drink or eat are the ones causing your problem. Below are just some of the well-known sleep zappers you need to avoid.


Apprehension about an upcoming date, a presentation at the office, a final exam in Chemistry, and preparations for a wedding or marriage proposal can all affect the sleeping patterns of a person. When you are anxious about something, you worry about it a lot even when you are already lying on your bed. It is a known fact that stress due to one-time events such as those mentioned above are normal and not surprising.

However, there are people who almost always worry about everything. If you are one of those individuals, then you might find yourself losing sleep even if there are really no important occasions or deadlines coming up. Just thinking about your malfunctioning dishwasher or what jeans will go with your top can be reasons enough for a troubled sleep. The same is true for people whose jobs require them to be on their toes all the time. If you are a chronic worrier, then there is a big chance that you will also be sleep deprived on most nights.

Afternoon Caffeine Fix

Drinking coffee is not really bad for you. In fact, coffee contains a lot of antioxidants that are crucial in fighting free radicals and restoring the cells in your body. Even if this beverage is good for you, however, you still need to take it in moderation. If you are a coffee junkie, one who drinks almost six cups of coffee everyday, then do not complain if you are having sleepless nights.

Experts believe that drinking coffee or any caffeine-rich beverage in the afternoon can actually contribute to having difficulty falling asleep at night. If you feel that you are tossing and turning at night with no apparent reason, then you might need to look back and consider if you are guilty of a caffeine fix during the afternoon or the nightcap.

Instead of coffee, you can always rely on fruits, particularly apples, to keep you awake all afternoon. Furthermore, avoiding fatty and starchy foods during lunch can also make you less sleepy during mid-afternoons.

Light And Sound

Your body usually releases a hormone called melatonin at about two in the morning to help you fall into deep and restful sleep. However, this hormone is only released when it is dark. If your bedroom window is facing a lamppost or a huge neon billboard, then your brain might delay or avert the release of melatonin, thinking it is still the daytime. If you are having difficulty achieving a restful sleep, then you should invest in thick dark curtains or even an eye mask.

Sounds from a bustling street or a snoring partner can really keep you awake all night. You can either relocate or leave your partner, or simply invest on an earplug to keep the noise level low. By the way, if you really care about your partner, you can also ask him or her to visit a doctor and check whether the snoring is caused by an illness or a serious condition.

If you want to have a restful slumber, then be sure to avoid the abovementioned sleep zappers. Instead of popping a pill, you might also want to consider alternative medications to help promote better sleep and less stress. There are many supplements and sleep aids available in the market that are safe and all natural. One product that can help you achieve a deep and restful sleep is Somulin. Know more about it by visiting

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine