Many people say that once you have tried one cosmetic procedure, you will likely go back for more. In the news, you will find several women who just can't get enough of body improvements and surgeries to the point that they become unrecognizable. Just recently, one Texan housewife, who is ...Many people say that once you have tried one cosmetic procedure, you will likely go back for more. In the news, you will find several women who just can't get enough of body improvements and surgeries to the point that they become unrecognizable. Just recently, one Texan housewife, who is originally from Brazil, was reportedly looking for ways to get illegal breast implants because she wants to make her gigantic FF-sized breasts even bigger.

Well, there is really nothing wrong with going under the knife if you want to improve your looks and make you feel a little more confident about yourself. However, before you decide to get the implants that you want, it might be wise for you to know the risks and complications you are facing in this type of surgical operation. It is advisable to ask yourself whether the risks you are taking to have larger breasts, which you can also achieve through natural means, are all worth it.

Here are some of the common complications of breast augmentation surgeries:

Allergic Reaction

Any breast augmentation surgery requires general anesthesia, which means that you are asleep during the whole operation. However, just like in other types of surgeries, some people are allergic to anesthesia. You can never be so sure if your body has an adverse reaction to anesthesia until you are in the operating room and having your operation already.

There are also cases where the body develops an adverse reaction to the new implants. There are scenarios, although rare, wherein the body pushes the implants out. People who have this complication must immediately undergo another surgery to remove the implants because their skin can break from the extrusion. Scarring and infection can also arise from this condition if the implants are not removed immediately.

Blood-related Problems

Just like any type of surgery, bleeding or hemorrhage is a likely complication of breast augmentation procedures. Even the best surgeons sometimes hit the wrong nerve or blood vessels, which may result to excessive bleeding. Blood transfusion and probably additional surgery may be required to remedy this problem. Aside from hemorrhage, other blood-related complications that can result from this type of procedure include thrombosis (a formation of clot inside the blood vessel), seroma (development of pockets or deposits of blood plasma or serum) and hematoma (pockets or deposits of clotted blood).


Although quite rare, another complication of breast enhancement surgery is necrosis or death of the breast tissue or the skin surrounding the breast area. People who are prone to necrosis are those who smoke, have blood disorders, have poor blood circulation, and those who go through chemotherapy, radiation or cryotherapy after the surgical procedure.

Sensitivity Issues

Loss of sensitivity in the breast area, including the skin and nipples, is quite common. This problem is usually temporary. For some, however, this condition can be permanent. Thus, their breasts or nipple area could forever feel numb to the touch.

Postoperative Infection

Any surgical procedure, such as the insertion of breast implants, could put a person at a high risk of infection. More often than not, the microbe responsible for infection of breast implant surgeries is Staphylococcus. If serious infection develops, the implants need to be removed as soon as possible. A person needs to wait for a couple of months before the implants can be inserted again.

You really do not have to undergo breast augmentation surgery to have full and ample breasts. There are more natural methods you can do to help increase your breast size without going under the knife.

Wearing the right bra, having a good posture and doing some chest exercises can all help make your boobs look bigger. There are also breast enhancement systems, such as Clevastin, than make use of natural ingredients to make the size of your chests larger. If you want to know more about Clevastin, simply visit

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine