The benefits of exercise go far beyond losing weight or building an attractive body. We often hear that we are supposed to exercise, but unfortunately many people tend dismiss the importance and value of this simple act, as just something doctors or health care providers routinely say to keep us fit. There isn't a true understanding that health or lack of is influenced greatly by the level of physical activity you get each day.

It is one of the most powerful sources of holistic health care available to us and it doesn't have to cost us anything or require a trip to the doctor. Exercise is one of the easiest and most natural ways to keep your body and mind healthy.

The benefits of exercise do not only apply to those trying to prevent disease or health conditions, but it is also of great value to those already living with a disease or health issue. It can be a great tool to manage and relieve symptoms, deal with stress more effectively, boost the immune system and improve the mood.

Whether your looking to the holistic and alternative health approach or traditional medicine, exercise is an essential component of any health and wellness plan, because it's extremely effective.

It promotes healing, makes the body stronger and builds stamina to resist harmful viruses, toxins and bacteria we come in contact with every day. You can't find a better stress reliever than physical exercise.

The more physical activity you get, the more oxygen that your circulate through your body. Oxygen is critical for your muscles to work right, your brain to function properly and to clean out toxins from your blood. Exercise gets your blood pumping faster and keeps your bodies systems moving so that toxins don't build up.

This is important because many diseases are the result of a clogging up or build up of a particular substances or toxins. For example, a contributing factor to heart disease is the build of plaque on the arteries and arthritis can be cause by a build up of calcium. These types of occurrences can be greatly reduced with regular physical activity.

Exercise also assists in keeping the colon functioning properly, getting a good nights sleep, promotes healthy digestion, reduces depression, anxiety, irritability and mood swings .

Now even many people who realize the importance of exercise have a hard time incorporating it into their life. Some people don't have the time, motivation, or energy, while others think it's too much work or boring.

The problem here is that they are going about it all wrong. In order to stick with an exercise program it must be something you enjoy. If going to the gym every day seems like a chore, then it's not something you will follow through with.

There are many different forms of exercise and the key is to find one that is a good fit for you. There is swimming, yoga, tai chi, walking, jogging, going to the gym, dancing, basketball, tennis, volleyball, treadmills, steppers and even gardening to name a few. These are all excellent types of exercise.

Make your exercise fun and it will be something you look forward to and you'll be able reap the physical and emotional benefits of exercise without much effort at all.

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed. is an author and holistic health counselor helping individuals living with chronic illness or chronic pain to live life more fully. Visit her site for more free
holistic health care tips, techniques and strategies.