Dr. Andrew Newberg’s passions started in his childhood. Although his parents were encouraging, they never had the answers to his big questions like why we’re here, what’s right and wrong, and how to understand reality. He began to search within himself and in the world around him to find the answers to these and other questions.

While in college, Dr. Andrew Newberg was all the more intrigued by philosophical ideas. He knew that on one hand, he had to look inside himself for answers, because our brain makes such deep thought possible, but on the other hand, he could get different perspectives of reality based on Western traditional ideas, Judeo-Christian traditions, and Eastern schools of thought such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

As luck would have it, Dr. Andrew Newberg ran into a psychiatrist, Gene d’Aquili while at the University of Pennsylvania. d’Aquili’s background in psychiatry and anthropology and Newberg’s background in neurosciences and philosophy created a magical relationship with the potential for great learning. Dr. Andrew Newberg realized he could actually test what goes on in a person’s brain during periods of deep meditation.

Over time, Dr. Andrew Newberg came to the realization that our beliefs come from many sources. Beliefs aren’t only religious in nature. They can be morals, political views, and even how we choose to interact with others. He believes that all of these beliefs are based on our biological roots, the influence of people around us, and the influence of our own emotional response. Our beliefs have a tremendous impact on who we are.

Born to Believe is a book that addresses actual brain studies of people in meditation and prayer. The problem with the results, as Dr. Andrew Newberg sees it, is that people with a strong religious belief can say that the scans prove their connection to their god, and those without a strong religious belief can say that religion is literally “all in your head”.

No matter whether a person is religious or not, our beliefs shape our being and have a strong impact on our health. People who are more optimistic and look at the world in a more positive way have less stress, and because they have less stress, they have fewer problems with heart disease, and they have an overall improved immune system.

Beliefs start in childhood, because as we learn, certain nerve cells are connected and strengthened. The more we hear something, the more likely we are to believe it. That’s why children often have the same beliefs as their parents. It’s not easy to break those connections and believe something contrary to what you have learned in the past, but the brain IS capable of change. Just because some connections have been pruned back doesn’t mean a few aren’t still there.

Our beliefs are like a pair of glasses. We view things in a certain clarity or color because of the lenses we’ve chosen to enhance our sight. People with one pair of glasses may be more likely to see the world in a positive way and achieve their goals, while those of a different background and different pair of glasses will see the opposite and have a hard time achieving their goals. For example, people with a strong religious belief might feel comfort and even joy in the death of a loved one knowing that person is going to another world of paradise. Someone who does not have a strong religious belief might be more inclined to slip into depression.

When someone focuses positively on their beliefs or passions, they are more likely to achieve those passions. Those who focus negatively will have negative results or a lack of results. An example is the children’s story about the train going up the hill. When he repeatedly says, “I think I can!” he eventually achieves his goal. Focusing on very few, strong goals at once is the best way to achieve your passions.

Author's Bio: 

Liz & Ric Thompson are the founders of Healthy Wealthy nWise. They’ve studied and interviewed hundreds of the most successful people in the world and have brought their wisdom, tips, success and personal development secrets to people through their website and their online magazine. Learn all about HWnW by going to www.healthywealthynwise.com