If you knew you could change one little thing in your life and it would have a powerful, lasting effect on your health would you do it? If you knew it only took less than a minute a day to create a healthy body, free from illness, would you sign up? How about if it were free?

I'm talking about something that you do every day, 50,000 times. Sometimes you do it intentionally, but most of the time it's unconscious. Have you ever considered that this one thing could be THE thing that keeps you feeling lousy, run down, tired, or physically sick?

Well, it's true. It's thinking. Your thinking is like a chemical cocktail that can either be nutrient rich or poisonous. It can keep you bundled up in your blankets with tissues and bottles of pills and potions, or running circles around your co-workers with boundless energy.

Just think about it, if you are thinking in a way that is angry, hopeless, fearful, anxious and depressed, what effect do you think that has on your body? Can't be good for you can it?

If your thinking is positive, full of gratitude, joy, open to possibilities, then your cocktail is nurturing. This is the time to make the change. You know that you want something better for yourself, it's worth the change.

Here are 4 easy steps to ensuring that you are drinking the right blend of nutrients to keep your body energized and ready to tackle whatever opportunistic bugs are going around. These steps also ensure that you are allowing more positive events in your life.

4 easy steps:

Observe your thinking habits.

What are the prevailing thoughts you have every day? What do you find yourself saying to yourself? Are you focusing and complaining on all of the stressors in your life or the things that bring you joy? Do you assume that things are going to go wrong or wondering what great opportunity this is for you? Do you assume that people are going to let you down, or that you are going to be disappointed again?

Cancel the negative statements.
When you find yourself in a thinking habit that you consider negative, tell yourself to STOP, or say, I'm not interested.

Choose a more empowering thought and look for the possibilities & opportunities.
Learning power thinking will help you change your life. Learn what power thinking is and utilize it daily.

Act on those opportunities.
It is not enough to just see opportunities; you must take action to make a difference.

If you spend 1 minute a day doing the 4 easy steps I guarantee that you will be happier and healthier today and for the rest of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Robin is a personal & business development expert with over 20 years experience in the rehabilitation, personal development & leadership industry.She is a keynote speaker training on how to have impeccable self-command and accountability.

In her book, "Champagne Thoughts & Caviar Power The Science of Results Oriented Thinking" she will teach you how to develop your strong state of self-command that will propel you to take action and live the life you were born to live using the science of results oriented thinking. For more visit: successsystemsnow.com