The last couple of weeks, being knocked flat by an infection bug, have certainly given me time to reflect on some real core issues. One great reminder has been the importance of the moment and keeping my mind open to the “potential” of NOW. Within now are answers.

"Why not concentrate on the now instead of hoping for better times in the future? Why not understand the now instead of forgetting it and hoping for the future? Isn't the future just another trap?" -- Anthony de Mello

Soul exists only in this moment. Every moment, no matter what the conditions, offers opportunities to touch and experience life in a new way. Our egos, with their fears and desires, easily get trapped in the past and the future, but the power to change exists only in this moment.

We don't need to know more or have more before we can live more deeply. We simply need to pay attention to what's happening now. To open without judgment to the worlds around and within us.
"No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." -- Source Unknown

The “now’s” I have just experienced have allowed me to refocus on a number of key issues in my own life, and to evaluate what I’m personally doing in the moments given to me. Time for some ego adjustment, time to make more difference right now. May I remain open on a moment to moment basis, and continue the meaningful work that I am privileged to do with others keeping this in mind.

We all have gifts and talents, may we learn to put them to use for a higher purpose by staying open to the moment.

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Author's Bio: 

Keith Bray is a Certified Life and Addiction Coach coaching by phone.