As a life coach, a question I'm often being asked is "How do you distinguish your intuition from your mind? Is it possible your intuition can mislead you or be harmful to you with what it tells you?"
My answer to this question is this: Your intuition, or gut feelings are there to protect you, making sure you're safe and in integrity. It is your mind's agenda that can lead you off base by over-thinking or dismissing your gut. If you're questioning or not quite trusting your intuition, your intuition will often try to get your attention! Your intuition may speak to you in the way of a "gut feeling" or even through a dream. If you are trying to recognize your intuition better and distinguish it from your mind's agenda, remember: What intuition is not.

Intuition is not:
- wishful thinking
- weighing pros and cons
- clearly formulated pat answers
- ego
- mind chatter

Let's say for example, you're madly in love with someone, but for whatever reason, he or she's not right for you. So your intuition starts to send you signals to communicate with you. It might do this by giving you a "weird or uncomfortable feeling" in your gut every time you think of him/her, or hear his/her voice, or whatever. You may pick up on this feeling but discount it because you want to listen to your head saying "but he/she's so nice, so this and that..." (logical reasons), or "well, he/she may still change" (wishful thinking). How many times have we looked back and said: "I actually didn't really have a good feeling about it, but I went ahead anyway. I should have trusted my gut!"

The intuition is always there, unfortunately we tend ignore it! If you're only listening to your head and not to your intuition, then an inner conflict may arise. If this inner conflict continues for a while you may feel stuck and look for answers elsewhere. Being in this stuck place, you might start to ask your friends, read books, see a counsellor, or even consult a psychic. Unfortunately, sometimes listening to other's advice can be even more confusing! While I encourage seeking help especially for deeper issues, what we often need most is just to pay closer attention to your own real feelings. The trick is how to listen intuitively, particularly when the mind is busy judging your gut feelings, maybe even calling your intuition "ridiculous".

So how do you receive intuitive messages? As I said before, your intuition, or gut feelings are there to protect you, not lead you astray. If you listen closely, your intuition will give you warning signals if you're following decisions that are not in integrity with your true self. Also, if intuition is not something you can "hear" or "feel" (not all people receive intuitive messages that way), you may receive them in the way of dreams or physical symptoms (i.e. an unusual headache). Either way, keep a journal and keep asking your intuition to send you messages. Then listen carefully and non-judgementally! It's important to tell your mind to just receive the intuitive answers, and not argue back with them in your head. Do not judge your intuitive or gut feelings. They are what they are. Enjoy your journey of discovering your intuitive messages. It is well worth the effort, and will serve you well.

Copyright Karin Bauer.

Article by Karin Bauer, BSW, a writer and life coach at Guidance Cards and Journaling,, which offers online resources for personal growth and insight. Please visit her site for more tips and affirmations on healing inner turmoil and living a happier life.

Author's Bio: 

Karin Bauer, BSW, is a writer and life coach at Guidance Cards and Journaling. Her website, offers online resources for personal growth and insight. Please visit her site for more tips and affirmations on healing inner turmoil and living a happier life.