If you or anyone in your household is going to school, training for a new career, in therapy, or seeking deeper spirituality, attention to the Knowledge, Self-Knowledge, and Spirituality area of the feng shui grid or bagua is a must.

When you overlay the feng shui tic-tac-toe board on your floor plan, this area is the left square on the bottom row. As you're standing at your front door, it is on your immediate left. Or you are standing in it, if the door is on the left!

A client with a deep desire to return to school to become a nurse looked to feng shui to help fulfill her dream. She had been trying to get back to school for a couple of years but obstacles kept getting in the way.

During our feng shui consultation, we discovered that the Knowledge and Self Knowledge area was a Storage Room/Ironing Room/seldom used Guest Bedroom. Guests were not particularly welcome as the closet and dresser were stuffed with winter sports equipment and clothing.

There were broken toys, a couple of unused but still working boom boxes. There was a television on a make-shift table to keep her company while ironing. And other furnishings with no particular purpose.

While she would actually study in her Home Office (in the Career Area), to allow her dream to unfold smoothly, the feng shui recommendations were to make this room more guest friendly and to make its dual purpose of ironing more comfortable.

That is, clear out at least two drawers of the dresser and leave them empty. Clear out a third of the hanging space in the closet. Remove the purposeless furnishings. Toss anything broken. Have a garage sale for all working but not used items like boom boxes and lamps, all whole but not played with kids' toys, and clothes not worn in the last year or longer.

Clearing out this room, making its dual purpose clear and more comfortable for each purpose, made it possible for this client to get enrolled and commit to a training program.

Author's Bio: 

For help in understanding the subtle feng shui messages your surroundings are sending, call or email Kathleen for a for a feng shui consultation, feng shui interior design services, or feng shui design coaching services.