The Spiritual Awakening Opens Its Doors with a Clear Purpose

Sparta, NJ – May 30, 2008 -- When Oprah Winfrey says that "this is the most exciting thing I've ever done," it gets people’s attention. What is it that has Oprah so fired up? It’s Eckhart Tolle’s bestselling book, “A New Earth ¯ Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.” Millions from around the world have read the spiritual guidebook and millions more have tuned in each week to participate in the live weekly Web Class lead by Oprah and Tolle to get clarity on the book’s zen-like ideas.

Why all the interest in this topic? Regardless of whether most agree with all of Tolle’s concepts, the book’s simple message that is resonating with so many people is the idea of rising above their own egos and being more aware and fully engaged in their lives so they feel more fulfilled.

From Baby Boomers to Generation Xers, the book has certainly started a widespread discussion about how to enrich their life on a daily basis. Many are beginning to ask similar questions, “What is my life’s purpose?” and “Why am I constantly struggling to find inner peace?” Even the younger Generation Y is feeling the pull of the book’s message ¯ perhaps because they are watching their parents and older siblings becoming more disillusioned with material possessions while still not achieving the ultimate acquirement - personal happiness.

Helping people to achieve a deeper understanding of their own human experience is one of the essential reasons why The Spiritual Awakening opened its doors last week with their Grand Opening on Woodport Road in Sparta. The owners of the spiritual learning center for self-healing and self-discovery, Arlene Rich and Loann Simon, offer individual sessions and a diverse range of classes that help people to sort through the rigor of daily life and focus on their own individual situation with a new perspective.

“People are coming to us feeling stressed and out of touch with their inner purpose. They are feeling disconnected and restless,” says Rich. “They’re feeling that time is slipping by and they are waking up to the fact that if they are ever to pursue their true path or get clarity in their life, the time is now. They’re looking for answers and we help them to look inside of themselves instead of outside of themselves.”

Adds Simon, “Sometimes we need a little more "how-to" guidance if we are to make real change ¯ with practical steps for bringing awareness into our lives by becoming more in tune with our own intuition and understanding how the human energy field works. For example, how to deal with Energy Vampires ¯ those people who suck all of your energy in just one conversation so that you feel like you need a nap afterwards.”

“We teach people the skills they need to transform their life with diverse workshops and classes and the wide-ranging knowledge of the instructors who are teaching them. It’s an enjoyable and safe environment for learning,” says Simon.

Rich and Simon’s combined experience as a Spiritual Medium and Psychic, Intuitive Pathfinder, Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Spiritual Counselor and Interfaith Minister all lend itself to many interesting workshops as well as Spiritual Group Gallery Readings. “We feel honored to open our doors at The Spiritual Awakening to help those along their spiritual transformation no matter what stage of the process they find themselves,” Says Rich.

For additional information on The Spiritual Awakening, contact Loann Simon or visit

Author's Bio: 

Loann Simon and Arlene Rich teamed up and formed The Spiritual Awakening in May 2007 and one year later opened a new location in Sparta, New Jersey. The learning center offers individual readings, workshops and group reading gallery events. Arlene Rich is a Board Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Medium and Psychic, Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Counselor and Reiki Master. Loann Simon is an ACE-Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master, Intuitive Pathfinder and Coach.