Visualization, meditation, prayer, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, guided meditation, mental imagery, and many other terms, are all used to describe one thing - thinking. Particularly, these terms all refer to an act of "tuning-out" the external world and going inside your self in order to "speak" and "listen" to God, or whatever each individual believes is available in the way of Creative guidance. We ask for help, listen for answers, seek guidance, salvation, and instant riches, but in most cases we do so with no real "vision," or plan, for the future. In life, we tend to follow natural laws; this is because we are in nature, and made of the same stuff as nature, and are thereby subject to the laws of nature. If we continue to ignore the fact that we pray, or do any of the above practices, because there is some belief that our thoughts influence our reality, then we may forever lose the power of prayer.

If you consider that the world around you is continuously being created, then you understand that creation is a full-time thing. If you also hold a belief that you can think a message to God and it will be acted on and create, or change, an outcome in the real world, then what, or who, is creating your reality when you aren't asking for those good things you pray for? The fact is, our thoughts are all prayers, and our days look very similar to one another because we spend most of our time unconsciously thinking about how things are instead of creating them in our thoughts the way we would like to experience them in our reality - or praying always. Emerson wrote, "Though your knees were never bent, to heaven your hourly prayers are sent; and whether formed for good or ill, are registered and answered still." The idea is that if you close your eyes and think about what you want with folded hands, you are still merely thinking into the mind of God, or of the Creative force behind all that exists.

Make a list of the things you want to bring into your experience - the things you would pray for. Write this down and be as specific as possible; include descriptive terms which engage all of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). For example, if you would like a piece of 5-layer, German-chocolate, cake with a candle in it, then don't simply ask for "something to eat." Write a story about how you would like things to be; include as much sensory detail as possible, and then read this story to yourself before you go to sleep, and just as you wake-up in the morning. Read it silently, and only look at the words long enough to get the idea of what comes next. Then close your eyes and live the prayer in your mind - see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, feel it. Don't fall into the habit of simply reading the story; but continue to use your subtle senses to feel this story, and contemplate what it means, and how it feels, to you.

Before long, you will not need to read the story, but it helps to keep your focus for a while - it serves as a good reminder to be thorough and specific, as well as mindful. The prayers which work are those which are thought and felt, rather than simply recited from memory. Memorizing your dreams and prayers, however, is a good thing and quite different from simply memorizing the lines of a verse or prayer. Memorizing your desires - with all of your senses - is the quickest way to bring them completely to fruition. Dwelling on these things, and filling your mind with only good, will quickly lead you to this new reality; you need only learn to listen and follow your inspired guidance.

Author's Bio: 

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. For more information, go to:

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