When we live in positivity, we generate positive vibrations that are picked up by others. Animals feel it, sensitive people really feel it, our co-workers feel it, family members feel it .. even the cashier at the gas station can feel it. It emanates from our being-ness like a starshine beacon and is written on our faces by our smile.

When we accept living in positivity, our vibration resonates peacefully in tandem with our aura. As we go about our daily lives, it bounces off other people’s vibratory fields like sonar guiding us in and around places where we need to be for the good of the whole.

An increased energy level, a feeling of well being, and the ability to easily accomplish things evidence living in positivity. Our confidence level is greatly improved, we view ourselves as a whole being and we are less likely to get ill.

Attaining a state of positivity comes from accepting ourselves for who we are, loving ourselves and from taking good care of ourselves. We can take good care of ourselves by eating nutritionally sound whole foods, getting enough restful sleep, breathing clean, ionized air, and giving ourselves exercise in the form that suits us best – walking, stretching, dancing, swimming – whatever makes us feel good!

If you are not particularly fond of exercising, one way to give your body exercise without any real exertion, and that can be done anywhere is … stretching! Stretching is the greatest of exercises because it lifts and separates our joints and bones, pulls our muscles out full length, and straightens our back in simple movements. You can think T’ai Chi or Yoga – beautiful synchronicity between mind and body – gentle stretching action with very low impact. Standing erect or lying down, stretching pulls muscle fiber gently with controlled force in a continual elastic action and just feels so good! Stretch several times a day and you’ll soon notice a remarkable difference in how you feel.

The results of not living in positivity can become painfully obvious rather quickly. Our energy stores become depleted and we tire easily. Our thoughts begin to lean more and more toward negativity and our vision soon turns dark as we focus on the negative side of things. Negative thoughts not only affect our emotional state, their impact can be felt at a cellular level as well causing dis-ease and illness.

Because there is a balance in all of nature, we live with both positive and negative forces everyday. However, there is a way to deal with negativity. By processing it in a healthy way and exploring its foundation, we place ourselves in a position to release the negativity effortlessly to the Universe where it will do no harm. We can do this through visualization techniques, also called spiritual exercises, where we see our problems or negative feelings as animate objects that we can seal off in a box and ship to a place where they will disintegrate harmlessly. Such is the ability of positivity to help us regain control of ourselves, our lives, where we can take a negative thought or action and turn it completely around to the positive side by dealing with it in a healthy way.

Living in positivity is not a one-time step we take – it is a life style that we adopt and maintain – work at day in and day out. Living in positivity is living without blinders to the world and possible painful circumstances. It is our recognition that there are hard times, but we take them in stride and go with them without missing a beat.

“Earth school” gives us the opportunity to learn and experience many things; living in positivity is one of our major courses! On Earth school, it is no consequence if you are an “A” or a “D” student because when it all boils down, what really matters is getting an “E” for effort!

Be blessed!

Author's Bio: 

Barbara S. Delozier holds a Doctorate Degree in Metaphysics and shares her generational gifts as a psychic counselor, visionary, and expert dream analyst. She is the author of weekly “Friday’s Positive Affirmations” distributed worldwide and has a weekly talk radio show on the Ask One Radio Network. A metaphysical minister, Barbara works closely with people from all walks of life helping them discover their spiritual center through Dolphyn Wisdom of the Ancients. She is available for speaking engagements and one-on-one counseling sessions.