Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out. We love to honor you in this way.

Light and Blessings to you and the whole world today and every day.

I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Tools for life - A Life Lesson

A life lesson such as this is to remain calm under all circumstances.
A life lesson such as this is to be patient under all circumstances.
A life lesson such as this is to remain one with all that is.

To remain one with all that is, is to remain one with who you are.
To remain one with who you are, is to remain true to who you are.
To remain true to who you are, is to remain true to your soul and spirit.

On the deepest level of one's being there is this calling to remain one with all that is.
On the deepest level of one's being there is this urge to go back home.
On the deepest level of one's being here is home.

Here is our home, for we build our home with a knowing that we are all one with all that is. One with all that is, is our home. Our home is in our hearts and souls as we remain true to ourselves and others.

Others! Who are others? Where are they from? Did we know each other before Now?
Before Now who was I and who were you?
Who were you and where did you come from?

And does it really matter? For we are all one.

Why do we want to believe in the Oneness, anyways? The Oneness in our hearts, as we open up and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, a freedom takes place inside and out. Our spiritual self is free to be. It no longer has to hide behind the Vail of pretense of fear. Our Spiritual Self is Now free to rejoice in its true nature. Being God's nature. Being a being of giving unconditionally. Unconditionally being present with all that is.

A life lesson worth giving our time and attention to. This life lesson is whatever you received Now in this path of your life. Each individual being, right where they are, in their path in evolution with the Oneness. Get what you get and apply what you get. And when you feel as though you have not gotten anything, look again, feel again and you shall get what you shall get.

For in being present with life there is always a giving and a receiving taking place.

As life presents itself in unusual ways one might say, We are still one with it. So therefore let us accept what is and move forward with a greater understanding, feeling and knowing of who and what we truly are. For we are truly joyous creatures in the eyes of our Creator. Our Creator rejoices by our presence. And we shall rejoice in the presence of our Creator. For we are One.

Truly the courage within is the God within revealing itself moment by moment as we have chosen this school of life. We have each other to expand in and with to move to higher grades with Delight, Love and Support.

For we are worthy and deserving of living this life plan with Love and Light inside and out. We have the support of the Universe all around us.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please free to forward and share these Insights to your family, friends, teachers, students, associates and all to Create a life of Oneness inside and out in the whole world. With our willingness all things are Possible.

May the love and light of God and Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth. For more info. on our services. For more info. on our products.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible

© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Morovaty is an Intuitive Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She has healed herself from many challenges including Lupus CNS, a car accident and divorce. She uses her intuition and universal guidance to assist people through the healing process.

For more about Michelle and her healing sessions see and for her guided meditation CD's see