ANTI-AGING: Fact or Fiction

These days, with the growing population of older Americans, the buzzword is, Anti-Aging. It seems that no one wants to age.
Ever since Superman rolled back the Wheel of Time and Ponce de Leon sought the Fountain of Youth, we have been fighting to stop the aging process. I believe that the question of whether or not we can win this battle depends on how we experience aging.
Time passes. We all know that. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity tells us that how we experience the passage of time is relative to what is going on. Well, that holds true for aging as well. What we consider “old” and what we consider “young” is dependent on what is going on in our lives at any one time. It’s all relative. We can decide we are against aging –ANTI-AGING – or decide to be PRO-AGING…meaning that we are not fighting time, but instead are making the most of it.
If we view our lives only from the perspective of chronological age, we can, in fact, feel like a victim of Time. Then we will become intent on anti-aging. But if, instead, we use our years to grow and learn and become glowing examples of exquisite aging, we will enrich our own lives – and, as an added benefit, add immeasurably to the lives of the young.
After all, everyone is destined to grow old…but hating aging and spending our mature years fighting against what we fear is an inevitable decline, is not our destiny. Instead of cursing aging for what it’s doing to us, we can embrace the aging process, while doing whatever we can to be healthy and fit at every age. This is a personal choice that each of us must make.
I’ve chosen to make Time my ally, not my enemy. So, though I am certainly against old age with illness and loss of vitality, I am definitely for vibrant, healthy aging.
Anti-Aging? No!
Exquisite Aging? You bet!
What choice will you make?

Get Hattie's Exclusive RetroAge Newsletter FREE and Get Hattie's Personal Tips For Living Young, Getting Young and Feeling Young... No Matter what YOUR age! Hattie is an internationally recognized expert in longevity and maintaining ageless beauty throughout life. She has appeared on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael show, New York 1 News, Fox Magazine and the Howard Stern Show.

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Author's Bio: 

Hattie is an internationally recognized expert in longevity and maintaining ageless beauty throughout life. She has appeared on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael show, New York 1 News, Fox Magazine and the Howard Stern Show.