The first step to the process to success is to get into a positive mindset, and feeling the feelings of gratitude is the key to great success. Spend time each day to feel the feelings of gratitude and focus on appreciation of all things in your life. When you wake up feel grateful that you have been given another day. When you’re driving to work be grateful for the roads and the car that gets you there. When you arrive at work be grateful for your co-workers who enlighten your day and make your job easier. When you have your lunch be grateful for the food you have been given. As you exercise the feelings of gratitude it will become a part of you and your path to success will be a bright one. Many people tend to focus on the negative things in their life and thus they are given more negative things. When you put yourself into a feeling of gratitude you fill yourself with positive feelings and in return more positive things are attracted to you.

Law of Attraction - you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny. This law is simple, what you think in your mind will be created in your life. If you think negative thoughts more negative things will be brought to you. A classic example is when someone has a “Bad Day” or “Woke up on the wrong side of the bed”. They wake up in a negative mood, they stay in this mind set and throughout their day it continues that downward spiral. If you spend your time with the feelings of gratitude and focusing your thoughts on the positive you will see that more positive things are attracted to you. So when you find yourself in a negative mindset take a timeout and think of something that makes you feel good. Use your thoughts to create what you want. Thoughts become things. Create, do not compete for what is already created. You’re on your way to personal success!

The next step is very much connected to the last. Spend time in your leisure time to focus on the things you want. Close your eyes and visualize already having it. Feel the feelings of already having it. The Law of Attraction will begin the creative process of forming that thought into a thing, a reality. You’re subconscious will become more aware of opportunities that will bring you the things you think about.

Accept these thoughts and feelings as already being yours. I believe Martin Luther King Jr. said it best. “Take the first step of faith, you don’t have to see it you just have to take it”. Recognize doubt and reverse it with faith.

Though thinking and visualizing of what you want are very important, without proper action the creative process can not complete. Do every day all that can be done that day in an efficient manor. Do not try to cram all that you can into a day causing you to rush. Do each action efficiently and you will succeed. You can not act in the past or future so focus your actions in your preset space.

I can not express the feelings of gratitude enough. One who lives a grateful life, will live an abundant life. Feel grateful for this process. Feel grateful that the creative process if bring you what you want.


* Feel the feelings of gratitude.
* Thoughts become things.- So it is in your best interest to have positive thoughts and to set positive goals.
* Visualize and through the creative process it will materialize.
* Have unwavering faith that it is already yours
* Learn More at

Author's Bio: 

A Personal Development enthusiast dedicated to learning and helping others on the road to success, happiness and fulfillment.

My goal with this process was to simplify all of which I have gained. If after reading this you are inspired to learn more I encourage you to check out the works that I have suggested on my website .
