Reasons Why GREAT Businesses

Use a Business Coach

Reason #1 You want to spend less money on your marketing.

Reason #2 You want to receive MORE leads, while spending less money.

Reason #3 You want to convert more leads into customers by having a better trained sales staff, and more tools for them to use.

Reason #4 You want your current customers to buy from you more often.

Reason #5 You want to increase your average dollar sale to your customers.

Reason #6 You want to improve your profit margins.

Reason #7 You want to spend less time at work and more time with your family, but ensure that you have a system to run your business without you.

Reason #8 You want better trained and more motivated employees

Reason #9 You want a Strategic Plan for the above. Then you want to IMPLEMENT the Plan - every day.

If you would like to achieve any of the above… read on…

You, as a business owner, are faced with incredible pressures on a daily basis:

· Every day you hear news about the sluggish economy.

· Every day you miss opportunities for additional sales.

· Every month you receive bills from your marketing vendors who are "getting your name out there" - but you don't see the leads that they had promised to you.

· Every week you hear excuses from your sales staff about why they are not producing.

· Almost daily, you witness some level of discord or apathy from your staff.

· Every day some of your past customers are being served by one of your competitors.

· And every day, you miss precious time with your loved ones, as well as hobbies that you once enjoyed.

Another year has passed - and you probably have done little to effectively change these things. In fact, you probably have resigned yourself to the "fact" that owning and running a business is just hard - and "that's just the way business is…" At some point, you have probably considered developing a "Plan" to implement change, but instead you… blamed the economy, made excuses about lack of time, or have just denied the problem.

And that is fine. After all, you are "the boss." You can do whatever you want to do with your business. You can even choose to do nothing. In fact, statistics show that you probably will do nothing. There's always next year. Right? Or maybe the year after that… or the one after that… ad infinitum… ad nauseum.

Or you can seek out - and FIND A SOLUTION. Perhaps, you are holding the solution in your hands at this very moment.

My name is Kevin Thomas, and I am a licensed business coach in Georgia. I am also a member of an awesome network of business coaches, and have also worked in marketing and sales.

My company has a solution. Our program is designed to help you in every area of your business. We teach you proven systems to drive more people to your business, sell them, service them, keep them coming back, improve your margins, train your employees, and systemize your processes… so that you can work less, and give yourself the life that you decide on having.

"I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities".

- Bob Nardelli, CEO Home Depot - Fortune Magazine, 07/01/02

The system works as follows:

· Once you make a commitment to improve your life and your business, we do an in-depth study of where you are now, and where you want to go.

· We prepare an Action Plan of specific strategies that will be implemented throughout the year.

· We present the Plan to your team in a Coordination Day (aligning the owners with the team) - expressing to them your commitment, your vision, and your Action Plan for the future. We get your team "on board" and fired up!!!

· We meet on a weekly basis to constantly implement and adjust the strategies - every week - month after month - until the system becomes the routine. It is this constant, regular process that ensures the system will work!!!

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the

same level of thinking with which we created them."

- Albert Einstein

So now you have a decision. Do you throw this letter away? Do you set it aside, perhaps get to it later - only to lose it? Or do you make the decision that will change the way you do business forever, as well as change your life forever… and contact us immediately?

"It is in your moment of decision that your destiny is shaped."

--Anthony Robbins

The choice is yours. The business is yours. Your life is yours.

If you decide to lift the telephone and dial my number, the advantages are many. You will meet a friendly, talented and helpful person who has helped many successful businesses and will help you to achieve your goals. If you decide to set the letter on your "stack" (you know - the stack of "stuff" that you'll "eventually get to") - you probably will never call. And that's OK too…

However, if you DO decide to call and we meet for a short time, I will not waste your time making a bunch of promises about how we can help you. The fact is I'm not sure we can help you. I'm writing you because many business owners, like yourself, have found that coaching has been a good fit for them. Do you think it would be worth 30 minutes of your time to evaluate something that has the potential to help you improve your revenues and business systems? If, at the end of the meeting you don't think we have a fit, I'll be on my way. Does that sound fair?

At the very least, you'll find out how other business owners that we work with, are successfully dealing with similar business issues that you face every day.

I thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to speaking with you soon. Whatever your decision is, I wish you happiness and abundance. If your decision is to contact me, I guarantee it.

Make that decision NOW. My phone number is 912-432-7618 912-432-7618.



President, Southeast Business Development

"Asked for a conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the coaching

they got, these managers described an average return of more than $100,000,

or about six times what the coaching had cost their companies."

- Fortune Magazine, 2/19/01

"I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw

out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which

invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable."

- John Russell, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd.

Author's Bio: 

Coach Kevin is an entrepreneur, speaker and a motivator. He is a coach to business leaders all over the world. Kevin helps them discover how to reach levels in life and in business that they only dreamed were possible. Kevin's strengths are Sales, Marketing and Business Systems. If you want to have your business run without you running it, Coach Kevin Thomas is your man. Contact him for a free consultation and get ready to discover the hidden potential in your organization.

To contact Kevin call 888-551-7086 888-551-7086
or email him at