Looking for good bad breath herbal remedies available to put an end to your embarrassing and disappointing halitosis? At some point in your life, when your breath stinks, it will turn you down and lose hope. You are tired trying baking soda and a lot of chemical mouthwash available out there. I'll tell you a secret. Since the dawn of mankind, our ancestors had already put an end to this kind of problem. No need to spend on those commercialized chemical product that doesn't even work. Go herbal. It is proven effective through history.

Here's a list a known bad breath herbal remedies that can be readily available in your backyard, garden or even at a local pharmacy.

Alfalfa - tablets are known to eliminate bad breath.

Anise - Natural cure anise, cardamom, dill or fennel seeds are chewed to help neutralize bad odors in the mouth. Anise specifically tastes like licorice and is known to stop odor causing bacteria to

Chlorophyll - A natural component of plants that makes leaves green, has a natural deodorizing effect. Cloves - Not cloves of garlic but actual "cloves" are natural anti-septics. You can make a tea or mouthwash out of it for easier application.

Fennel - Fennel is another useful herb and can be used in several ways. Slowly chew the leaves and allow the saliva to build up in your mouth. Or, mix the contents of a fennel capsule with baking soda, make into a paste, and brush your teeth, gums and tongue with it. The fluid extract of fennel can be rubbed on your gums and tongue.

Filberts - filberts or hazelnuts are known to absorb foul breath

Mint, Parsley and other Herbs - Among the list are mint, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme and wintergreen. You can pack up some for a quick chew after-lunch-breath refresher.

Sage - Sage contains natural essential oils that are known to neutralize bacteria.

Spirulina - Another source of the green chlorophyll from plants, this is another form of bad breath herbal remedies that are commercially available. This wonder green compounds are now available in capsule or loose form.

Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, which contain antiseptic compounds that makes powerful mouthwash or toothpaste cleaning ingredient.

There you have it guys, the best bad breath herbal remedies available to mankind. You can even find one for free. Always consult a health professional before trying anything. Herbal remedies belong to your backyard for personal consumption but can be a means of profit too. Manufactured bad breath herbal remedies are available in your nearest drug store or herbal medicine dealer.

Author's Bio: 

Gillian is a bad breath expert and co-creator of the bad breath info based web-site: http://bad-breath-begone.com . Get lots more info there on Bad Breath Herbal Remedies and also check out her Free 10-part Mini-eCourse, "Naturally Remove the Bad Breath Blues", it might be all you’ll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)