The power of Social Media is massive. Its impact is tremendously unfathomable. It is everything a business needs to carve its niche and get to the top. It could make your brand or even break it. Your turn on Social Media could end disastrously if you don’t make sure to avoid these 8 mistakes.

1. Using your page as a personal account
Remember, you’re here to run a business and sharing irrelevant content to your Social Media followers would make them smash the unfollow button. Making your account seem real is essential, but not at the expense of professionalism. Don’t post random pictures of yourself or your personal activities on your business page.

2. Not researching before your post
It’s totally alright to post fun memes that would make your page relatable and fun, but never post content that would be deemed as disrespectful or offensive to certain people. Misinformation on your part could form a very negative impression on your brand. Following trends can help boost your reach, but if a trend particularly targets a certain group or is in bad taste, you must say no.

3. Posting irregularly
Not staying active and posting irregularly could stagger your growth on social media. Out of sight, out of mind is quite relevant on these platforms. If you don’t post on a regular basis it will be quite difficult to increase your reach and grow your business.

4. Commenting on random pictures and videos
Engaging with your audience on Social Media is exceptionally essential, but it isn’t when the audience isn’t yours. Do not visit other pages or profiles to engage with their audience. Don’t go about commenting randomly on pictures and videos. While it might lead a couple of followers to your page, it would form a negative impression on your existing audience.

5. Not using hashtags
Well, if you don’t use hashtags on Social media you’ll stay where you were. Don’t overdo the use of hashtags but use the ones that are relevant to your brand. Hashtags are the quickest way to take your business around the world and reach your target audience with your services.

6. Getting defensive
As a business, you are likely to deal with numerous customers and the reviews are rarely one-sided. Not everyone is always impressed with your services. They may sometimes get plain rude or offensive about your brand. Never ever get defensive and indulge in an argument on your Social Media page. Don’t get defensive when you spot a negative comment or review. Choose to tackle it wisely instead.

7. Not proofreading your posts
If you don’t spell check your posts before posting, it is quite likely there will be mistakes. Viewing content that is full of errors leaves a negative impression on viewers. Nobody wants to see and like posts that are full of errors.

8. Having no Social Media Marketing Strategy
If you’re a business looking for growth on Social Media pages then a Social Media Marketing strategy can do wonders to your reach and growth. Using ads to promote your brand and sharing your posts through different mediums is essential. If you aren’t well-versed in Social Media Marketing, then you can always opt for the best Digital Marketing Agency in your city to successfully transform your Social Media pages.

Author's Bio: 

I am a Business Influencer cum Mentor at Srinivas Business Desk. With my expertise in successfully developing a business from scratch, I provide a deep insight into success strategies for budding entrepreneurs.