Mission and vision statements generate a lot of attention in the business world, ever wonder why? Building a successful business is part of the motivation. After all, you should understand exactly why you are in business. Your employees should not only reflect this but deliver on that understanding and of course, the marketplace should be taking you seriously. All that from mission and vision statements you ask? Yes. Understand that developing your business mission and vision statements is your guide to accomplishing your future business success. We have all heard the adage “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” There is no one else that can speak to your business as you can. That means the work to develop these statements is primarily yours.
The following exercises speak to your mission (starting point, or reason for existence) statement and vision (your future destination) statement.
1. In this first exercise your job is to list the strengths and expertise of your business or organization. If you are starting your business list those aspects for your proposed business. Write your answers down. Keep it simple but thorough. Remember your employees or marketplace cannot read your mind.
2. In this exercise describe your business in detail. This will go in your mission statement. You want to make your mission statement broad enough to include future products/services but detailed enough to be realistic.
3. Honestly describe why you are in the business. The answers listed here are often eye opening and serve as the anchor words for your mission statement.
4. What products or services are you going to provide in the business, and who is your market? Be sure to speak to your business product or service and its effect on people.
5. What values will you practice? What does your business offer that will make a difference to your employees, your clients, your community, your industry, your partners?
6. What are your business’ measures of success?
7. Does your current way of operating, your vision for the future (vision statement) and goals reflect your business with clarity, commitment and provide the ability to communicate with your employees, your clients and the marketplace?
When you have completed these exercises you will understand exactly why you made your decision to become a business; or create your organization; why you chose to offer a service, or your product. Use your answers to the above seven exercises to create your mission statement (why you exist) and your vision statement (what you want to become). You will also find a true appreciation for the mission and vision statements of successful businesses around you and the opportunities you have in joining their ranks. To learn more about mission and vision statements and get additional help, go to www.missionvisionstatement.com.
In his business growth consulting practice of over 20 years, Don has enjoyed helping leaders and entrepreneurs from both large and small organizations craft their unique mission and vision statements, identify the changes they need to make and install a strategic planning process to achieve their desired future. He can be reached at www.missionvisionstatement.com.
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