You have had a successful college career up to this point and you are starting to figure out exactly what you want to do in the future. One way to land a job in the career choice of your dreams is to start with an internship. You need to apply for internships as soon as possible because they go quickly. Here are seven tips to help you create a perfect resume for your internship position.

Make it short
One of the key things people seem to overlook when they are writing their resumes is length. You want to keep your resume short and sweet. As a college student this should provide some relief for you. You do not have many jobs to list so your resume will be more education balanced. You want your future employer to know about you without tying up too much of their precious time.

Successful resume writers can be found online. You can fine resume samples all over the web. The body of your resume should reflect what you are striving for. Using sample resumes as a guideline can help you hone your resume writing skills to ace this resume.

Highlight your educational career. You will want to start with the college you are attending and also list your high school. If you have a great GPA, list it. Include any classes that will show you are working toward your career. You can add a blurb about how these classes will help you with your internship.

While this might be a lean section, you want to include any jobs you have held during and since high school. This will show a good work ethic and your future employer want to hire interns that are willing to work. You should include a brief description of your job and what duties you were expected to perform.

Any time you volunteered for something you were adding a line to your internship resume. Did you help at a local food bank or maybe played some music at a local nursing home? These should be included on your resume. It will show your future employer that you are not just a hard worker, but use your time to help make the world a better place.

If you were in the scouts or chorus, you should include them in your resume. Any organization you were involved with should be listed. You never know if the person reading your resume was involved with 4H during high school and will be impressed that you were, too. As with scouts, list the highest level you achieved in these organizations.

Research the company you are applying to. You want your resume to reflect what they are looking for in potential interns. If they are service oriented you want to stress your volunteerism and your service organizations. If they are more businesslike, stress your education and work.

Provide links in your resume to your personal website and any blogs you have created. This will give your future employer another opportunity to see who you really are and what you are capable of.

When writing your resume keep in mind that you are writing for a company. You want to use correct wording and proofread a couple of times. Be sure to use a business like font and to keep it short and concise. Show them who you are and what you are capable of. If you follow these tips you will be on your way to obtaining your internship.

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