Anyone having a credit nightmare can have a difficult time scrounging for extra cash just to make payments. This can be really frustrating as there are constant bills to pay apart from the credit to settle. But don’t worry there are many ways to squeeze of extra trickles of cash at home. Here are some of easiest ways to get extra right from the comfort of your home:
1. Reduce consumption, buy less
Before you raise your eyebrow and shout out a sarcastic WHAT know that reducing consumption is a logical step. Reduce those that are not necessary. People often overstock their fridge and pantry leaving many items rotting and spoiled. Buying and consuming only what you can will tremendously improve your finances. Check how much and how many you really need for a week or for a month and buy only what you can consume. Wastage is just throwing your hard-earn money away.
2. Recycle
More than just going green, recycling is a great way to address debt problems. There are many reusable items in the house that just require some dusting and some maintenance. Otherwise, they can function properly. Instead of buying new stuff, try to see if you can still work with what you have.
3. Energy saving appliances
If you do need to buy new appliances and equipment, make sure you get those that are energy saving. Apart from getting huge cuts on your electric bill the Federal Government also gives incentives on buying and using eco-friendly equipment.
4. Energy saving tips
It’s not enough that you get energy efficient appliances. YOU need to learn how to save through simple methods. Unplugging appliances that are not in use will save electricity. Charging mobile and electronic devices only when the battery is drained will likewise improve your bills while prolonging the batteries. Switching off light, TV and other appliances when not in use will save you loads of cash. Simple things like that can make saving more money easier to do.
5. Sell old stuff
You can get extra cash the old fashion way – sell stuff. Choose which items you’re willing to part with and sell them. You can opt for the traditional garage sale for smaller inexpensive trinkets or go online and sell your stuff. Online sites like e-bay offer entrepreneurs like you a safe and secure venue to showcase your items. So dust off those old items and decide which ones you can sell. Remember, what you consider junk maybe valuable to others.
6. All about your car
A huge chunk of your weekly or monthly budget goes into car fuel. You can still increase your savings by doing some of the simplest things. First, don’t use your car! Instead car pool with your officemates and friends. The less you use your car, the more savings you can get. But if you must drive, make sure your car is in tip top shape from the tire pressure to the well-tuned engine. Every detail will make your car run more efficiently and thus saves you more.
7. Work from home stints
Another way to earn extra is to consider working from home. Many work at home opportunities are now available. In fact, it’s an actual profession that is gaining acceptance the world over. There are many opportunities from writing, translating, to tutoring and lots more. Just go online and find one that suits your skills and schedule.
Being in debt requires that you make lifestyle changes. At first it may be difficult as you may have been used to a certain lifestyle. But if you want to be free from your credit nightmare, you need to start making the changes. These are small suggestions that you can do at home, just imagine how much more you can save if you think about other things you can do outside your home.
Jonny Andrews is an international speaker, business development expert, serial entrepreneur and eccentric founder of DebtFreeAndWealthy: the worlds leading online magazine dedicated to helping individuals achieving financial freedom through proper focus, education and action. To Get Your FREE REPORT: "How To Eliminate Up To 50% Of Your Debt In Under 30 Days" visit
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