The Law of Attraction states that you draw towards you whatever your attention is focussed on. So, to attract health, wealth and happiness – for instance - you only need to focus your attention on health, wealth and happiness and think only healthy, wealthy and happy thoughts, and you are guaranteed that health, wealth and happiness will be yours.
That’s the theory.
In practice it doesn’t quite work like that!
Many of us invest a lot of money and even more time in books, courses, workshops, tapes, CD’s and all manner of self-improvement tools and nothing seemed to make any real difference.
We write and recited affirmations until we are blue in the face. We train ourselves to turn every negative thought positive and to find the silver lining in each and every cloud. We learn to meditate and chant and visualise our perfect lives – but, even though we can see it clearly, we just cannot seem to make it real.
Since the advent of movies like ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep…’, there must be millions of frustrated, disappointed and disillusioned people all over the world focussing on the perfect outcome they want without any real, tangible, sustainable result.
That’s where I was before I stumbled upon the ‘missing link’ to making the Law of Attraction work for me.
It’s just not enough to want something with all your heart and soul, to visualise the perfect outcome for you and all concerned, to believe with very fibre of your being that you deserve and can have the best, or to spend your life journaling, visualising. meditating, praying, performing rituals, offering sacrifices or developing a positive attitude.
Chances are, if you’ve been working with the Law of Attraction without success, that’s exactly what you’ve been doing. That’s what I was doing and would probably still be doing now if the light bulb hadn’t gone on in my head one day and shown me that I was overlooking one crucial element.
It’s not rocket science and you’re not going to have to buy any more books, CDs, courses or workshops to learn about it because I’m going to tell you right now!
Each one of us is made up of many layers. We are most familiar with the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual parts of our selves.
To fully experience and appreciate anything in life, we need to experience it on each of these levels. We need to Feel it emotionally, Think about it rationally, Behave it physically and Be it spiritually.
For example, it is not enough to think happy thoughts in order to be happy. We must also Feel emotionally happy, Behave in the manner of a happy person and then ‘Be’ happiness.
But it goes even deeper.
Everything – every thought, every action, every feeling – must begin with a desire. You start the process by wanting.
To apply this to the Law of Attraction, begin by deciding what you want to attract. What do you desire? By clear and specific about it. Say ‘I want to lose 10lbs before Christmas’ rather than ‘I want to lose weight’.
Now Feel that desire. How much do you want it? Bring your emotions into play. Become aware of how much you want to lose 10lbs by Christmas and really experience what emotions reaching that goal triggers.
Now Think about how losing 10lbs by Christmas will affect your life. On a practical level, you’ll need new clothes for example. Think about the outfits you’ll be able to wear when you’ve reached your goal. See your new slimmer, fitter body.
If you’ve been using the Law of Attraction you’ll already be familiar with those first steps. Chances are you’ve been desiring, feeling, thinking and seeing your life away!
You haven’t been doing anything wrong – in fact, you’ve been doing everything right – you just haven’t followed the sequence through to the point where you can achieve the desired result.
So, you really want it, you’re feeling it, thinking and seeing it. Now you’ve got to engage the physical part of you. You have to Behave as a person 10lbs lighter would behave.
For instance, decide how a person 10lbs lighter than you are now would stand, walk, speak, dress, lift a pen, drink a cup of coffee, clean the toilet etc and copy that behaviour until it becomes second nature.
Fake it til you make it, in other words!
It helps greatly to relax all tension in your shoulders and raise your breastbone slightly. This has the immediate effect of automatically making you stand taller. When you stand taller you feel more confident and better able to look the world in the eye. When you appear more confident and look the world in the eye, people respond to you accordingly and you react appropriately and a wonderful positive chain of events is set in motion.
The next logical step in this sequence is that you will ‘Become’ 10lbs lighter.
It simply has to happen once you have every other part of the formula in place.
And wrapped around and between and over and under all this is a thick and generous blanket of genuine, heart-felt, deep gratitude. It is he key ingredient in this recipe for success. Say ‘thank you’ to whom or whatever you believe is in charge at every opportunity. Think thankful thoughts. Count all the blessings you already have in your life and express your gratitude for them too. Bless the miracles of your life – those you can see now and those yet to manifest.
If you find it difficult to really feel grateful for something that is not yet in your experience, then imagine how you would feel if you were grateful. If imagining a feeling is proving to be a challenge, then remember a time in the past when you felt really thankful and relive that feeling.
Gratitude is the cornerstone on which everything else is built.
Let’s apply the process to money, by way of another example.
Want a windfall of €2000 before the end of this month - in two weeks.
Feel that desire in your heart and soul
Think about how easier life will be when that money arrives and how you will use it.
Behave like a person who knows for certain that you will have a windfall in two weeks.
Become the person who has been granted a windfall of €2000!
Bless the gifts life has bestowed on you.
So, in summary, the six steps to making the Law of Attraction work for you are;
Ø Want it
Ø Feel it
Ø Think it
Ø Behave it
Ø Become it
Ø Bless it

Author's Bio: 

Full time writer, teacher, speaker and Mammy with a life-long and ever-growing passion for helping people realise their beauty and potential