(The following is an excerpt from the free ebook From "Surviving" To "Thriving": 6 Reasons You Fail & 6 Steps To Success)

So the question now is “What gets in the way of creating your thriving success?” Let’s talk a little bit about this!

This list of challenges you face to creating your thriving success could be nearly endless. This list might include practical limitations, missed opportunities, lack of skills and ability or any other number of challenges that arise on a daily basis. However, there are a few ways that present the biggest challenge to your success. What they are and the order they appear in might surprise you! Starting from the least challenging and moving to the biggest challenge here are the Top 6 reasons you fail.

#6 Not Taking Action

Though this might seem rather obvious you might be surprised how often your lack of action gets in the way. Whether this is something simple like not completing a small task or just leaving an entire project untouched the result is the same. Why you don’t take action can be wrapped up in a variety of issues. The biggest reasons you might not take action are driven by the other top reasons you fail though there are certainly other issues that might cause problems. Regardless of the reason in order to succeed you must actually do something!

#5 Not Having A Plan

Though this might also seem obvious what is important to recognize is that not having a plan is only #5 in the top reasons you fail. The reality is that plans are important for making steady progress and staying on track to create long term sustainable success. Without proper planning it becomes easy to wander or reach results that have no purpose.

#4 Not Knowing What Is Important

This reason for failure begins to get at the heart of the challenge of creating your truly thriving success. Knowing what is important actually covers two challenges. The first challenge is knowing exactly what results you are seeking to create and what the thriving result looks like. The second component to this cause of failure is knowing which issues to be paying attention to along the way. In both cases the problem created is that it can be easy to end up with a result you don’t actually want.

#3 Lack Of Focus

Success requires that you stay focused in two important ways. First, you must stay focused on the results you are seeking to create. Second, you must stay focused on your time to make sure your actions are matched with your plan. Without your focus on both of these elements your success will be delayed or missed entirely.

#2 Fear

The challenge with fear is that it can be both difficult to identify and easy to succumb to. Just like most other people you have a history and background of wide variety. In some cases you have developed a healthy fear that leads you to realize that certain situations are in fact dangerous beyond reason. On the other hand, due to the way your mind processes fear, you have also come to believe that some situations represent danger even though they don’t. It is these hidden and irrational fears that can easily put you in the position of failure.

#1 Mindset

Even if all the rest of these challenges are addressed the biggest reason why you will fail boils down to mindset. Though the first and most obvious issue around mindset might be negative thinking this only begins to scratch the surface of the real issue. The truth is that mindset challenges range the gamut including your perception of success, how you view your skills and your mindset about seeking help when needed. The list of mindset challenges could likely go on for pages though! This is why your mindset is the #1 reason why you fail. Just like fear it can be difficult to spot and is an easy trap to fall into.

From Failure To Success

While this list of ways that you might fail could seem overwhelming the good news is that everything can be changed. With proper attention and support all of these patterns can be managed or shifted to your advantage. However, the most important thing to remember is that creating your thriving success isn’t just about results. The most important element to shifting to success is creating the mindset that will get you there!

Author's Bio: 

As founder of True Results Coaching, Angel True believes that it is possible for everyone to live their passions and Create The Results You CRAVE! Angel has over 25 years of experience and training in interpersonal communication, self-transformation, leadership, and community development, 15+ years experience in business writing and training and 5+ years of experience in embodiment. He has been an intuitive energy healer his entire life and began consciously using Reiki in 2008.

Angel works to help you create a realistic vision of results, build an inner foundation of strength and move you to powerful action with a clearly defined purpose so you can Do What You Love, Love What You Do! Whether you are already successful and ready to take it to the next level or you aren't quite sure where to begin we will move you to powerful action on your best path forward.

Angel is trained as a Solution-Focused Life Coach using NLP techniques from Erickson Coaching International and is a Reiki Master Teacher.

Angel uses a holistic approach that looks at all aspects of a client's life. His focus is on the mindset and way of being that gets in the way of success. Angel's "Truology" approach seeks to identify core values, remove limiting beliefs and reframe success as something that is both desirable and easy to achieve. Most importantly his approach is about finding your deepest personal truth and helping you create that!