When human body fails to control sweat or perspiration amount the situation is medically known as hyperhidrosis. Different factors contributes to this situation like activity, environment, lifestyle, hormone imbalances, stress and diet. In some cases while alcohol and certain medications trigger hyperhidrosis, in others emotional upheaval may contribute the same. There are different kinds of hyperhidrosis treatment available depending on the extent of the disease.

When we sweat the body produces two kinds of sweat: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine is clear odourless body fluid appearing all over the body to regulate the bodily temperature and keep it cool. On the other hand apocrine produces the same fluid as eccrine till the bacteria on the skin acts to break down into enzymes in the fluid. This results in bodily smell that we commonly refer as sweat.

Hyperhidrosis can affect during any stage and any age and some of the common body areas affected by this condition are feet soles, palms, neck, face and head and underarms. This disease can be divided into types, primary and secondary. Till now doctors are not sure about the causes of this condition but there are different way that contributes to successful hyperhidrosis treatments. The main causes of primary hyperhidrosis is over activity in nervous system while the secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by stress, anxiety, poor diet, obesity etc.

Here are the five ways of doing hyperhidrosis treatment successfully:

Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants with high percentage of Aluminium Chlorohydreate or Aluminium Chloride when used as key ingredients helps to combat the severe cases of body odour and excessive sweat. You can expect satisfying results by applying these products before bed on clean dry skin. However, people with sensitive skin can suffer because of the presence of high level of aluminium while some might suffer from allergies. Thankfully, there are natural antiperspirants available in market with mild formula, but successfully offer the best level of protection. In order to avoid skin irritation due to antiperspirant it is advisable to apply moisturiser after the application is completely dry. Make sure that you never apply strong antiperspirant just after bathing or shaving as pores remain open and can cause irritation.

Deodorants: Though deodorants does not offer any protection from sweat, it can help to mask the body odour produced by bacteria. As most of the antiperspirant tend to be odourless one can use deodorants to fell fresh all day long.

Dress Shields, Sweat liners, Clothing Shields: This hyperhidrosis treatment way is quite useful if you are looking for moderate to light protection from sweat. Although it will not help to stop excessive sweating, but you can expect to get right level of protection from body odour from these washable and disposable cotton shields.

Iontophoresis Machines: When weak electric currents are passed through water into areas of hyperhidrosis treatment like hands, feet and underarms it helps to prevent excessive sweating. The success rate of this treatment is 98%.

Botox Injections: This proves to be an efficient way of hyperhidrosis treatment that can last 3 to 6 months. But this way is extremely expensive and involves use of needles. The Botullin toxin works by blocking the signals sent by nervous system and thus no sweat. Thankfully, there are alternatives available like aluminium free gel working in same way.

Author's Bio: 

Scott D is a writer who highly recommends to prevent using chemical based products in treating hyperhidrosis treatments. He regularly contributes informative articles on cures for excessive sweating and updates his readers about possible hyperhidrosis treatment and solution.