Losing your hair is a difficult fact to accept. It delivers a serious blow to your ego, no matter what your gender is. It keeps you constantly on edge: you fear that people will make fun of you once they notice. Going out everyday is a constant horror.

Fortunately, innovative hair restoration procedures, like hair transplant surgery, are medically acclaimed to provide great-looking permanent results. While hair restoration risks are incredibly low, it’s still necessary to learn how to avoid hair restoration risks to eliminate the off chance of getting bad hair results.

Remember, you deserve great results. You shouldn’t settle for passable quality, especially when you can improve the result by leaps and bounds with a few tweaks and minor preparations. In order to achieve this, you have to learn how to prepare for hair transplant and avoid the risks through a proper hair transplant guide for beginners.    

After learning how to avoid hair restoration risks, it’s time to know your first hair transplant tips to make sure you’re getting the perfect hair restoration right from the first try.


  1. Steer Clear of Bad Habits and Harmful Ingredients

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Avoiding certain food and habits will play a huge role in making your first hair restoration a huge success.

Consuming alcoholic beverages, using recreational drugs, and smoking cigarettes and other products that contain nicotine like cigars and e-cigarettes  should be generally avoided as much as possible. When it comes to hair restoration, however, stopping yourself from engaging in any of these unhealthy vices is one of the best pre hair transplant tips.

Products with nicotine content in particular increase the risk of wound infection and scarring. It also constricts your blood vessels, which causes poor oxygen circulation. Poor oxygen circulation will lead to slower wound healing, a requirement to ensure you’re reaping the full benefits of hair restoration. On the other hand, alcoholic beverages expands your blood vessels, which thins out your blood and may cause excessive bleeding when you get your hair restoration. Worst of all, it counteracts anesthetics and dries the skin, making certain hair restoration techniques painful and unsightly.

Most hair restoration professionals would recommend refraining from consuming these products at least two weeks before your hair transplant procedure, but since we’re gunning for a great first hair restoration, it’s best to abandon all of these vices completely.


  1. Prime Your Body For Hair Restoration

Healthy diet and proper sleep are essential pre-hair transplant tips to keep your body healthy and improve the chances that your body will respond well to the hair restoration procedure. Take vitamin C to boost your wound-healing capability after the hair restoration procedure.

Growing out your hair, especially at the sides and back, is a great strategy so you can easily comb over the treated areas after your hair restoration procedure. Thorough daily hair washing is highly recommended, too. A regular shampoo will do, but it won’t hurt if you’ll opt for an antibacterial one.

A great first hair restoration procedure hinges on patient-level support that helps hair restoration professionals in performing the procedure in the best way possible. Massaging your scalp for a month for at least 10 minutes a day will help soften the treatment area and increase the elasticity of the scalp, making incisive hair restoration procedures faster and easier. Dyeing your hair black is also a great idea to make it easier for hair restoration specialists to identify hair follicles and make harvesting more efficient.

Last, but not the least, abstain from using hair products that may impede hair restoration like hair gels, mousse, and hairsprays before your hair transplant.


  1. Have Hair Restoration-Friendly Items at the Ready

For a great first hair restoration procedure, a follow-through is required to protect your newly transplanted hair, speed up hair growth, and make the procedure truly permanent.

Preparing a special recovery area in your home, complete with hair restoration-intensive medical products and entertainment platforms, will be necessary to make the post-procedure transition a lot easier.

Pressure bandages may be required for a few days to ensure the newly-implanted hairs are still intact, so be sure to stock up on those. Essential items like gauzes, antibacterial soap, and ice pack should be prepared in advance, so make sure you have shopped for these items a few days before your hair restoration procedure.

Avoid narrow-necked shirts and other accessories like the plague as these may dislodge your newly-transplanted hair when worn. Opt for buttondown shirts to keep your treated scalp safe.   

Diet plays a necessary role in proper post-hair restoration, too. Ensure that your post-procedure diet, planned out for at least the following two weeks, is low in sodium and carbohydrates. Focus your diet planning on meals and snacks that are easy to consume like yoghurt, oatmeal, and soup.  

Protect your newly-treated hair at all times. Make sure you always have a wide-brimmed hat with you whenever you go out to keep your hair protected from harsh sunlight and strong breeze.


  1. Have a Trusted Person Nearby

While it’s entirely possible that you can pull off a hair restoration procedure on your own, it’s still recommended to have a trusted friend or loved one assist you after procedure for additional safety measures.

It’s highly possible that you’ll be given sedatives or anesthetics during your hair restoration procedure. It will take a lot of time before the effects wear off, so driving home is not advisable. Having a trusted person nearby who can drive you home or assist in your commute home is necessary to keep you safe.  

Aside from this potential problem, you might do complex tasks that require complete concentration or those that  might dislodge your newly implanted hair. Having a friend or a loved one help you out will make doing chores  easier.


  1. Make Sure You’re Getting Optimal Rest

After your hair restoration procedure, make sure you are well-rested at all times. Just like all the preventive measures you’ve placed to ensure your first hair restoration went well, getting optimal rest is required to make recovery and hair growth as fast as possible.

You’ll find that you’ll be advised against engaging in strenuous exercises and physical sports by your attending physician for a while. It is for a good reason: aside from the fact that it will tire you out, engaging in strenuous activities will make you sweat a lot. Sweat exposes your newly-treated scalp to a higher risk of infection. Sweat also induces itchiness, which is a terrible thing to experience and deal with in a post-hair restoration state.

Once you picked, scratched, and rubbed your scalp due to itchiness, it will dislodge the newly-planted hair even before they have the chance to grow and embed itself permanently on your scalp. This is also the same reason why you’ll be asked to avoid visiting saunas.

Additional precautionary measures will be asked of you, like elevating your head with additional pillows when you sleep for the first few weeks, not  sneezing or blowing your nose violently, and refraining from leaning forward. While definitely bothersome, doing all of these diligently is important to ensure that your first hair restoration procedure goes well.


Following this hair transplant guide diligently will help you achieve post-hair transplants results. Even better, these same first hair transplant tips help you curb bad habits and start better habits like planning in advance and proper discipline.

Author's Bio: 

John Anderson is a Commissioned Artist. He is particular in watching web and social media changes and uses. Follow him on Twitter @johnanderson090.