Brian and I have been going to A LOT of events lately, and we continue to be reminded of important themes that need our attention in our business, no matter what stage you are in. Whether you are just starting out, or have been around awhile, there are a few things you need to make sure you are continually checking in with as you build and grow your business.
Below are 5 of the most important aspects that need to be clear, focused and well thought out for you to have continued success as a business owner (online and offline).
Got a business you love?
I’m not talking about a hobby or something “fun” to do on the side, I’m talking about a real business. A business that you take seriously, that you love and that helps a lot of people.
At the very least, this means you have…
Gotten clear about what you are truly passionate about and want to change in the world
Set aside specific office hours to not only fulfill client work, but do marketing and sales
Set boundaries with family and friends (and yourself!) so you can focus during these hours
You focus on profits, not just helping people.
Got a message your ideal clients understand?
This is one of the most challenging things for service-based business owners. What do I say about what I do?
It is essential that you…
Talk in the language of your ideal client, NOT industry lingo or jargon (whether that is in person, on your website, or in social media)
Talk about your clients’ struggles and deepest wants and desires…NOT your process and features of HOW you do what you do (again, online and off)
Resonate on an emotional level with your potential client first and foremost.
Got an offer that’s clear?
This is all about how you help people, how it’s packaged and confidently knowing exactly what you offer. This one is really a focus for your own clarity. When you are clear about the features and benefits you offer, you can then be clear about the transformation you offer your clients – and articulate it clearly.
This means you have…
Packages at different levels that require different investment levels and offer specific results
Well defined features of each package so you truly understand what someone will get out of working with you
A clear idea of how each of those features will bring value and benefit to your clients (this is what you talk about! J)
Got a price point you can hold?
Whew…this is so often a real toughy! Most people we talk with are not charging enough or charging at a price point they can’t hold because they aren’t certain about their value.
Things you need to consider about your pricing:
Is it something that you are excited about and feel like you are getting paid what you are worth?
Does the pricing between your offering levels make sense considering how much personal time clients get with you and how fast they get results?
Are you charging what you are truly worth, or basing your prices to what others charge….(please, don’t base your prices on what others are charging!!)
Got a pipeline that’s consistent?
Here is another thing that can be a business killer or a business booster! You can’t just be sitting at home hoping you are going to get a call or an email from a brand new client. You need to get out and shake up the trees.
A few things that are essential for building your pipeline are:
Networking in your local community at least once a week
Speaking in front of your ideal client at least once a month, preferably twice a month (Note: if you are just starting, get out in front of anyone you can…Rotary, etc. so you can practice and build awareness about you and your business in your community)
Following up – it does no good to get out and meet all these great potential clients and referral sources if you don’t follow up with them afterward and arrange a time to talk. You can either invite them to have a strategy session, or you can just invite them to have a call to see how you can support each other.
These are the basics you will want to get clear in the beginning and continue to revisit again and again as your business grows.
Call To Action!
What comes up for you as you read over this list of “Got to Haves”? How are you doing in each of these areas? Do you have all 5 in place?
If not, begin to focus on the first one and work your way down the list. They all build on each other and are the foundation for your successful business.
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Putting into action the very system and principles they teach, Paige Stapleton and Brian Stark left careers that were leaving them feeling small and unfulfilled and followed their bliss! Now, as founders of Authentic Marketing Made Easy™, and The Authentic Marketing System™, they have created a life they love helping healers, practitioners, coaches and other small business owners learn the simple and holistic way to market and grow their service-based businesses, so they can attract more clients and make more money, while staying in integrity with their passion and purpose.
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