Freshman year of college is a brand new chapter of your life. You have the freedom to make your own schedule, spend time with new people, and make your own decisions. This is a liberating time, but it also means you have to remember lots of things without being reminded. There won’t be a parent to tell you about your quiz on Friday, or when you should wash your clothes. Here are some things you need on your packing list when heading to college, because they’re essential to being prepared for the first year!

Clothes to wear when going out

One of the most fun parts about being a freshman is all of the social opportunities you have. But some people get to college and realize they don’t have clothes to wear out. This forces them to borrow roommates’ clothes or resort to wearing something old.

So think about this before going to college! Go shopping for a white dress, a black skirt and some khakis to have some simple pieces to put a look together. There are a bunch of online boutiques that you can search through as well when looking for going-out clothes. You can supplement those with your old clothes when going out, but it’s nice to have some fresh clothes for any occasion.

Versatile school supplies

Something college classes often lack is a supplies list. Some teachers will tell you the books you need to buy and that’s it. It’s a smart option to contact the teacher beforehand and ask what supplies are best suited for the class.

If your professor isn’t known for being very approachable, another option is to buy notebooks, folders, and report covers that will work for every class. It’s best to be prepared as a freshman, because this is the very beginning of a college career — plus, you want to be prepared so that your life is easier while trying to study and remember where all of your notes are. Having all your materials ready before school starts will put you in the best possible position. When things get busy, you will have all the supplies to support an organized studying regimen.

Think about items like pens, pencils and highlighters as well. These will come in handy when you’re scrambling to take notes or study. Small supplies can make a huge difference in your studying productivity, so make sure you come prepared.

Bulk products like cleaning supplies and shampoo

One thing that’s difficult about college is how you don’t have your parents to get household supplies whenever you need it. And many college freshmen don’t bring a car to school with them. If there isn’t a convenience shop within walking distance, you may have some issues getting ahold of all the products you need. This is why, when you’re home before college starts, you should go to Sam’s Club or Costco and buy as many products as you need in bulk. This will save a ton of money, especially for a college freshman. Take advantage of being home and being able to access affordable stores.

When packing for college, you won’t regret packing any of these items. In fact, they will all come in handy when you’re trying to save time and money later on. Take full advantage of having a summer off of school before you start college. Take the fresh start as a chance to be prepared and ready to take on freshman year. College can be some of the best years of your life, and it’s best to come prepared.

Author's Bio: 

Md Rasel is a professional blogger.