We know that women are different from men.  We heard that he is from Mars and we are from Venus and we communicate in ways that sometimes make it hard for us to hear each other. For women, one of the ways to turn on our romantic and passionate feelings with our man happens when we feel like he has heard us.  It makes us feel important, special and loved.
Men listen in straight lines.  They listen for the facts not for the feelings.  They listen for problems so they can give solutions.  They listen from point A to point B.  Hmmm...maybe that's why it seems they never listen to us.  When we talk, we don't go from point A to point B.  We go over the river, through the woods, around the corner and describe every detail and happening along the way.  And to a man, that seems not only complicated but also unnecessary!  It sometimes drives him crazy!
We can take a bit of control and be proactive when it comes to our men listening to us.  There are a few facts, man facts, that we can learn to so that he may be more willing listen to us.
Here are 5 easy ways to talk to your husband so he might find it easier to listen to you:

 1.  Make your point right away. Give him the bottom line right off the bat. Go straight to the end of your story. The average attention span for a male is 5 minutes. If you see him rolling his eyes and clutching his throat he dying for you to make your point!  Don't keep him in agony!

2. Timing is everything.  Talk to him when he isn't involved in something else.  A man focuses on one thing at a time and it is difficult for him to break that focus and talk to you.  Plus, it is always better to wait to talk to him until after food and making love.  This way he is entirely focused on you and your desires and wishes.

3. Talk.  In.  Small.  Soundbites.  Our boys don't love chatter for chatter's sake like we do. Your man likes the condensed version of what you have to say. Try to make your point and then stop talking and wait for him to respond.  Unnatural, I know!

4.  Speak the foreign language of "Man." Maybe Rosetta Stone has the latest version?  Women talk with imagery and emotions.  Men listen for the facts.  "Man" is a simpler language than "Woman."  You can make it easy for him to hear you by using shorter sentences that are to the point and without a lot of description.

5.  Give him a little wiggle room.  When your man doesn't answer you after you've asked him a question or made a statement that is certainly worthy of a response, assume that he is thinking of what to say next rather than ignoring you.  I confess. I am often guilty of this one!

Another way to make it easier for him to listen to you that is so often overlooked...simply tell him that you want to talk and you just want him to listen.  He will be relieved that he doesn't have to solve a problem or come up with an answer to a question.

What if we embrace our differences and learn about each other?  I believe we can create romance and passion and excitement with each other with just a few simple tools...like how to talk so he will listen. We can create connected and happy relationships and still have fun with it!

Author's Bio: 

Known for blending her gracious and gentle style of teaching with her intuition and knowledge of relationships, romance and the energy of romance Emily Webber creates simple and fun ways for you to have the romance and passion you so deeply crave. She is the creator of The Romance Principles™, an author, Relationship Coach and Law of Attraction Coach. Please visit her website at http://www.marriedwithromance.com.