Developing a marketing plan is essential for any business. Whether you're just starting your business as a financial advisor or you're business is currently experiencing a plateau, revving up your marketing plan can help to bring in more clients sooner than you think. There are many effective ways to market yourself and you'll find it to be well worth the time you spend on your marketing efforts.

1. Set Up a Website or Blog. Your first step should be to set up a website for your business. Once you have a website you can really open up the doors to many different marketing techniques. Your website should inform your visitors about you, your experience and what you can help them with. It's a good idea to provide them with a photo of you because it makes their experience more personal. It's always nice to be able to put a face with a name, plus it can help them remember you better.
2. Provide Informative Articles. Once you have your website up begin adding articles to it. Articles that tell consumers how to do something would be a great start. You will be providing them with helpful information which will allow your visitors to see that you are knowledgeable. You don't have to give away everything you know, but try to be as helpful and informative as you can.
3. Create Webinars or Podcasts. Webinars and podcasts are easy to create and they won't take too long either. They don't have to be incredibly lengthy - you could even take some of the articles you've written and record yourself reading them. Some people prefer to listen to audio rather than read.
4. Carry Business Cards at All Times. Carrying business cards may never get old. You never know who you're going to come across on any given day so it's a good idea to get some business cards made and to always have them with you. It's not a bad idea to keep some in your home, some in your car and some in your office and also your wallet. Make sure you provide your website address and other contact information so prospective clients can easily reach you in a number of ways.
5. Offer to Be a Keynote Speaker. You can show off your best stuff by offering to be a keynote speaker at seminars, conferences or other events. This type of situation allows you to speak about something that you have expertise in. It's a great way to build trust and respect between you and the guests who have come to listen to you.

You can be very successful as a financial advisor if you simply take some time to market yourself. It's very easy to do, it doesn't take a lot of time or money and it can really help to build up your business quickly. Remember to take care of your current clients because they can be walking, talking advertisements for you if they really like the way you work. Some of your best clients may come from the clients you already have.

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