To some people writing comes naturally while certain others need hours in isolation to work out a topic. Do you ever wonder why the second category seems so dumbstruck when it comes to writing? No matter which of the above categories you belong to, press releases are one form of writing that can take either the longest time to complete, or the least. In case of the former, it may be that the topic or news may require quite a lot of time for research. If you have been working as a PR writer for some time now then you must know the 5 habits of highly effective PR writers.

1. Follow Steps: Writing a press release is a bit-by-bit process. So you have to keep the research steps different from that of writing that will be followed by editing. Also, there has to be a step that precedes writing. Concentrate on one step before you move to another.

2. Focus on the Heading: While with blogs and articles the beating around the bush works, with a PR this is not the case. The news has to be precisely about the subject, event, people or practices that it is targeting. However, this does not mean that you can repeat information in the piece of PR you are drafting.

3. Concentrate: Keep your research focused on the keyword. This will help you with getting precise search results. It also implies that you must not stuff too many messages into one PR article since it is likely to diffuse the purpose of the PR. When your search is too much diffused it is difficult to hunt down the specific results that you have been searching for.

4. Keep it Natural: Don’t try to stiffen up the writing by making it sound too formal. It has to be simple and formal, yet it has to retain the interest factor. Try using your inferences and analysis but ensure that you do not make opinions seem like facts. Make use of words like think, believe or guess. These carry an element of uncertainty.

5. Visuals: If you are working on the PR for online sources the visuals carry more weightage. They in fact make the PR look more interesting, lively as well as from the primary source. Your visuals should be intelligent enough to convey the message to the reader in a way that he understands the purpose of the PR even before having read it half way down.

For a PR writer it is also important to learn from the works of others. It is important to read what others are writing about the same theme or around the same idea for getting some help (you always need a bit no matter how experienced you are).The exercise is also good for contemplation. As you work-out on your thinking tread mill, list down the points that come to your mind so that you can refer to them later. Also avoid using to many embedded links or quoted references because this is likely to steer away your audience to other sources of PR on the same topic.

Author's Bio: 

Ridhima Gupta is a content writing professional with 5 years of experience in the industry. At present, she works on a gamut of projects as a freelancer, apart from being involved in her full-time job as a senior content writer with a leading content writing company.