What’s the one thing that most people do every day? Well, unless you live in a cave at the top of some isolated mountain top (I guess you wouldn’t be reading this if you were) then the answer is “talk.”

Yes, talking, having conversations. Conversations with your family, friends, and colleagues and of course, your clients.

Whether it’s on the phone, by email, social media or in person, you are probably having at least one conversation a day, even if it’s with yourself!

This exchange of words, sentences, questions, comments or feedback can be one of your best sources for creating new content.

Conversations can help you generate new ideas and content for your blog, articles for your ezine, ideas for new classes, products or programs.

I was recently speaking with a colleague and we were discussing an upcoming teleseminar that I was going to be involved in and she said something, can’t remember exactly what it was, but it sparked an idea.

That idea evolved into a new program I am developing for my business!

Not only that, it also inspired the idea for this post and some very cool tweets! Ah, repurposing at its finest!

There is a good chance that I may have eventually come up with the idea on my own, but the point is, sometimes we are so close to what we do, that we don’t always see everything. Conversations with others can really open our eyes to how they see things and what we may be missing.

As a matter of fact, if you are having a conversation with someone and they ask if you do XYZ and you don’t, it could just give you an idea about creating it, or if you already thought about it, but didn’t think there was any interest, it could be just the spark you are looking for to get it going.

So here are 5 tips on where to look for ideas:

Conversations with potential clients. What are they asking you? What are they telling you?
Emails you receive asking questions about your products, services and how you work. Do you get a lot of questions? These could be a great blog or blog series.
Questions from participants on teleseminars, workshops or events. These are great questions, because chances are that the person who asked, wasn’t the only person who wanted the information. Great chance to post a blog or write an article to address it.
Having coffee or lunch with colleagues or clients.
Comments on your blog.

Anytime you are having a conversation, it’s an opportunity to get new ideas. Repurposing your conversations and writing new articles or blogs, or using those conversations to inspire you into creating new products or programs, is another way to help build your business. Think about this the next time you are speaking with someone. I think you’ll be amazed at what you come up with.

Do you want more great ideas on how to take what you have and turn it into the book you know you need to write then get my FREE eBook:

3 Keys to Generate Revenue by Leveraging Your Expertise.

Find out how easy it is to repurpose your content and write your BOOK.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Have an awesome day!

Author's Bio: 

Ana Hillis is a former executive assistant (with a really warped sense of humor) who worked in the Corporate World editing, proofreading and formatting documents for over 15 years. She has brought this experience into the online world where she works with Entrepreneurs to help them write their books by repurposing their existing content and helps them build their reputations and expert status with creativity and style, not to mention she has fun doing it.