SEO, it is almost become a dirty word hast it? Well it is not, you know why, because it is the most important thing to do, if you want to ever have a hope of becoming a success on the internet. So then you ask, well why do I have to learn SEO, what is SEO, why is it so vital to making money. Well basically it is what you have to do with your product, service, campaign, and blogs to get the internet, search engines, and the world, to find anything your try to promote. You absolutely must do it or you will never get any where in this crazy business. Believe me I know what it is like, I had to learn the hard way myself.

I remember reading a statistic a couple of years ago that blew my mind, there are currently more web pages, then there are people on the planet, there are almost 7 billion human beings! When you hear that, you think oh gees, how is anybody going to find my little old site? Easy, through a technique called search engine optimization. By employing a few simple tactics, I’m going to list here, you will improve your chances on getting traffic, and making sales, by a thousand fold, and I’m not just being over zealous here. It is the truth, because I was once where you are now. Okay, so lets get down to it here, these are some absolute must haves, when learning search engine optimization

- Use A Wordpress Blog As Your Site: If your just starting out, or even if your not, wordpress blogs are fantastic. Easily customizable, and the mighty search Engine Google loves them, and trusts them, more then anything else.

-Buy A Domain Name And Get Webhosting: I know this requires spending money but not a lot, maybe $7 for the domain name, and as little has $5-$10 per month for web hosting. If you do this the search engines take you much more seriously, then by you throwing up some free site. Plus, you get to add special back office plugins that help to customize your site, and get you more traffic.

-Fill your Blog or Site with New Content: Add at least 3 to 5 new articles every week, plus, and this is even better, throw a new video, or two on there as well. Google just goes bananas over new videos, they are considered the best when it come to new content.

-Use Only Action Oriented Highly Searched Keywords: I’m talking everything from the domain name, to the articles, to the titles for your videos. Make sure they are keywords that are searched for at least 3,000 times per month, and have medium to low competition, meaning nobody else is using them.

-Put a Site Map on your website: Basically this is a behind the scenes who’s who description of your entire site, which is looked for by search engines, when they try to figure out what your site is all about. It makes their jobs so much easier, and helps to get you better traffic, and rankings.

Now, these are just some of the big players, in the total world of learning search engine optimization. There are of course a hundred other things you can, and should be doing. However, by doing these you will be well on you way to increasing your website traffic, and getting to that point of having regular clients, and even more important, getting and making sales. For more great free weekly tips, and exact steps, you need to do, join my newsletter and you will receive 2 free products to help you market your site!

Author's Bio: 

Hello, my name is Trevor Poulson. I have been teaching internet marketing and learning search engine optimization for 5 years now. Check out my site for more great hint tips and free help.