Anger management techniques for children is a growing field and one that's increasingly important for today's kids.

1) Adult role models are the ones who teach children how to respond to feeling angry. Yelling and screaming and reacting with physical violence is something that kids learn from watching adults do those things when they're really upset. That's why learning good anger management techniques yourself is the single most important thing you can do to help your kids control their anger.

2) Next, talk to your kids about anger. They need to know that everyone feels angry sometimes and there's nothing wrong with feeling that emotion. What matters is how they respond to those feelings.

3) Teach kids empathy. Teaching kids to identify with others is a skill that is reinforced by reading. Kids love a good yarn and learn how to identify with the characters. Teaching kids to understand and respect other people's feelings is an important anger management technique to learn.

4) Learning good communications skills is another component of anger management in children. Learning how to express feelings and proactively communicate needs in a clear and direct manner without accusing others will go a long way towards preventing blowups before they occur.

Active listening is another component of good communications skills. Teach kids how to really listen to what others have to say and ask for clarification so that everyone feels heard.

5) Lastly there are going to be times when despite these things anger erupts anyway. Kids need to know that it's a good idea to leave the situation temporarily when they feel they can't control their temper and come back to it when they have calmed down. Encourage them to talk to an adult about their feelings and do something creative while they calm down.

Provide lots of positive feedback and support every time they handle a situation that make them angry in a productive and controlled way.

We all learn how to respond to anger one way or another; make sure that your kids learn good anger management techniques from the start!

Author's Bio: 

Go here to learn more about anger management techniques.

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of many online anger management classes.