For centuries, ladies have been using lemons for cleansing, toning and conditioning their skin. Lemon is a boon to beauty. There are hundreds of homemade beauty tips that include lemons. It is a natural antioxidant and fights the signs of aging successfully by stimulating production of collagen. Let us see how you can make use of lemons to boost your beauty.

Make an Effective Scrub:

Scrubbing is an essential part of a beauty regime. With the help of homemade beauty tips you can scrub your skin effectively and safely. Make a facial scrub mixing oatmeal, honey and lemons. Add water to it to make it less viscous. Store this mixture in the refrigerator and use it to clean and exfoliate your skin thoroughly.

Get a Fair Skin Tone:

Lemon is a natural bleach. Those who want to get a fair skin tone should apply lemon juice on a daily basis. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with rose water and apply it thoroughly over your face and all exposed areas before going to bed daily. You will get a fair skin tone in a couple of weeks.

Cleanse Your Skin With Lemons:

You can make an effective cleanser at home using lemons. Mix two tbsps of lemon juice, one tbsp of vodka and one tbsp of witch hazel along with water. Pour this in a bottle and shake. Store this cleanser in a dry and cool place. Apply with the help of cotton wool twice a day and rinse your face using lukewarm water to cleanse your skin thoroughly. This is one of the most effective homemade beauty tips to cleanse your skin naturally!

Hydrate your Skin Using Lemons:

After cleansing and toning your skin, you need to hydrate it as well. To prepare moisturizer at home, mix oil, lemon juice and honey. Put all this in a bottle and shake well, till the mixture gets blended thoroughly. Using the tips of your fingers, massage your skin in circular movements.

Use Lemons to Condition Your Hair:

Mix a few drops of lemon juice with egg white and apply this thoroughly all over your hair. Leave it for an hour and then rinse off. This will nourish and condition your hair thoroughly.

There are several other homemade beauty tips that include lemons. Dark knees and dark elbows can be whitened by rubbing lemon peel offs. Mix a few drops of lemon juice in water and this will help keeping obesity at bay!

Author's Bio: 

Hema is an independent consultant, an avid traveler, fitness freak and writes about women's lifestyle issues including parenting, fitness, health, beauty and fashion.